2 plants in one pot filled with soil - male removal


gibberish, just ignore it. who knows what he meant? obvious from the condescending way that was written he was looking down at you. just forget about him and move on he thinks you learned a lesson cause you fucked up planting 2 plants together, but i dont think you fucked up, i think, shit happens and thats really all there is to it, they could have both been fem or both male, just the luck of the draw there are many advantages to growing 2 plants in the same pot but he just thinks you dummy for doing it, i think i could care less either way whether it was an accident or on purpose it really matter little because this could even happen to a "pro"
Thx that's very kind of you!

my bad bad man maybe aact wont yeild the results on google your looking for, try organic compost tea, i mean there are literally tons and tons of info on the subject.
Yeah there's really a lot to read. Already read some of it. Now i have to check out where i get those ingredients.

yeah you can make a tea that wont raise the nutional value if you follow the ingredients i said in my 3 gal tea you plants will be fertilized as fuck, but if you only use microbes and fungi and some wormcastings you will be adding some nutritional value but not as much as if you where to use all the ingredients.
Thx for the information!


Well-Known Member
gibberish, just ignore it. who knows what he meant? obvious from the condescending way that was written he was looking down at you. just forget about him and move on he thinks you learned a lesson cause you fucked up planting 2 plants together, but i dont think you fucked up, i think, shit happens and thats really all there is to it, they could have both been fem or both male, just the luck of the draw there are many advantages to growing 2 plants in the same pot but he just thinks you dummy for doing it, i think i could care less either way whether it was an accident or on purpose it really matter little because this could even happen to a "pro"
You made a simple mistake, because nobody told you not to, and mistakes are how we learn.
Now you are trying to remedy the situation, so props to ya, and move forward.;-)
By the way, "That'll learn ya" means "That will teach you.", then I think it was a mistype, but he meant thanks for the laugh.
Again, I will say you speak much better English than some of the people here.
(Sorry, just in case....."Props to ya" means "Good going".


Well-Known Member
this is why you follow the one plant per pot rule...well one of the reasons.

i would just cut the male at soil level and let the female continue