2 Questions.. 16 oz and 3"


Well-Known Member
Hey, this is going to be my first serious outdoor grow this upcomming summer. what i mean by serious is that i've invested about $300-$400 in soils and other material.. the starin i am growing is a medium height sativa/indica cross which in my opinion has a high potency (this strain has been in my family for maybe 15 years, both indoor and outdoor grows)

My question is .. if i grow outdoors this year and i start the plants in the 4th week of march.. and plant outdoors at the end of may will 16oz cups be enough to hold them in? Because my box that i have made can only hold 20-25 16oz cups..

ALSO.. if i also have 3" rockwoll cubes what is the longest the roots can be in order to beable to transplant them safely outdoors in a soil medium without giving them too much shock.? (they would be grown in a black tray setup)
it depends on the strain,i have had some that root real quick and get rootbound easily,even if i give them low lightes and low nutes and cool temps,then i have some that i can put in 160z cups for over 2 months,but all you can do is try and watch for signs of rootbound then you may have to make adjustments
yes but i dont really know that strains name.. like i said it's pretty old.. what's the usually or adverage amout of time you can keep a plant in this size cup?
2 months in a 16oz cup is pushing it,i have done it but do not advise it,5 weeks is optimum,but make sure you keep the nutes around 4-500 ppm and not a lot of light at 18/6 and keep the tems cool,also the 3"rookwool will need to be hardened off before going outside,is their no one in the family that has grown it to give you their routine.
I keep mine in 16 oz cups for up to about 4 weeks before they seem like they start to suffer. The bigger they get, the more often you need to water. I must have let one go for a long time once, as I was watering it twice a day before I broke down and bought more dirt.

Keeping temps down is a great idea to keep it from taking off too quickly
Thanks.. i guess i'll keep the plant in the cup fer 4-5 weeks and take it from there.. and no my grandfather has passed and my father has only kept renewing seed stocks and hasn't payed much attention to the actual growing of the plant.