2 Questions ... pls look


Well-Known Member
Hi agen, another 2 questions ...

1. is there anything like superthrive thats from the uk?

2. how do i know wether we have hard or soft water in our area?

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Im sure a UK person will come along and answer your first question.

You can find out if you have hard or soft water by either calling your water co. and asking.

Or you could buy a ppm meter. Anything over 200 parts per million is considered hard water.


Just some idiot
I'm american so I'm naturally useless....lol. Dunno about the superthrive thing, and Blood shot already answered your other question.


Well-Known Member
Yea suppose i cant blame u yanks for bein so useless :)

thanks anyway, i guess ill just order sum superthrive