2 Questions


Okay, I have 2 questions about my grow this season:

1. Once you place you plants outside (In a remote area), how often do you go to visit/water your plants?

2. Is Miracle Grow a good soil to use the full way through? It says it feeds the plants with nutrients for 3 months.

josh b

Well-Known Member
Yes that soil isnt the best to start off with but it's will do the job,i will be visiting my site's daily but will slowly make it so i visit each plot 2-3 time's a week if that depending on the weather.

Also if you live in the us then watering every 3 day's is a must because they will dry out easily.

Hope i helped


Well-Known Member
The more often you visit, the more care your plants will get, resulting in bigger yields.

A minimum is weekly, IF you water deeply, each visit.

The more you visit the greater the risk of discovery.

Find your comfort zone.


Well-Known Member
If you have a a couple extra bucks to spare I would buy sum fox farm oceans forest soil or happy from. its 15 bucks a bag and each bag will fill a 18 gallon pot. you would get wayyyy better results