2 Quick Questions


New Member
Newbie. Waiting for seeds to germinate. 4x2x7 Hydro Hut and 400 watt T5 arrives in a few days. First time around will be simple soil grow with Fox Farms soil

1. I know once the plants start to flower I can ID males and get rid of them. I am considering a bit of cloning but do not want to deal with second tent for clones. Is it possible to wait till right before harvest and at that time take a couple of cuttings or is this a bad idea as there will be lots of buds? If I do this will cuttings (clones) revert back to veg?

As an alternative can i take a cutting or 2 early on and somehow keep in veg state without a second veg tent via a chemical or just good old room light In other words keep as a houseplant till ready for new crop.

2. I have heard of some growers going 12/12 right from seedlings. Why? Good or bad idea/ I'd think forcing plant to flower right away gives a very small plant and minimal yield. Is this done for personal grow where you need very small amount of meds?



Well-Known Member
There are a few routes you can go but pulling clones before harvest isn't one. Ultimately, you need a small cab of some sort with some cfl or something. Yoy can try to reveg, but from what I have read you might as well just back to seed. I started with a small wire kitchen rack - 18x24x24.
1) Pull clones as early as possible and label so you know which plant they came from. Let them root a bit and move to 12-12 in the small cab. Sex them and you know the sex of the mother.
2) Wait until the end of veg and pull 2-3x the clones you want, label them. Put in cab on 18-6 when tent goes to flower. By the time they root and start growing, you will know the sex of the parents and can toss any from males.

the challenge with one tent and cloning is that flower takes a long time. With heavy training and topping, i can keep clones short enough to stay in the cab until the flower tent is ready. But I have also taken the route of using the grandkids for the next grow. I use fem seed so sex not an issue. But I will sometimes pull a clone, veg and train the shit out of it while in the small cab and then as I get a few weeks from the flower tent opening up, pull clones off of the original clone to be next grow. I hope that makes sense.


Active Member
Taking a cutting after flowering is a bad idea. If you veg long enuf, ull see pre-flowers. Thats when u wanna take cuttings.

As for 12/12 from seed. The plant will veg itsself for 2 1/2 to 3 weeks until its mature enuf to start flowering. Think of it as growing an auto, but your forcing it, its not in its genetics. This is for people with limited space usually.


Well-Known Member
Id throw everything into flower asap. Find males and discard. Reveg. Cut clones when reverted and grow a couple three from each plant. Reveg plants shoot lots of branches so there will be many bottom shoots to chose from. Then pick and choose while you flower again. Pick the ones that look to be doing the best and then base your future crop on who wins after 50 days of flower. Kill the weak and save the sticky and heavy.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has his own way of doing it....
Personally, In Veg, take two clones of each plant....
Put the clones in red cups and clear cups for humidity domes...
Leave them in Veg for two weeks as your other plants grow....
Then put all your little clones on a weak CFL, or three... one from each plant....marked Clone A from plant A... etc
Leave the other clone from each plant in veg...
After two weeks under weak CFL your small clones will show sex...
Take the Clones that show Male parts out with their mothers... and the extra clone you did...of the males...
Just toss them... bag seed men...
Now you have all females...
Put your new Females that show sex in the clone... put those into Flower...
Now you have clones of your plants growing in veg, your next crop is growing...
Your last crop is finishing....
Yes you will need two tents...
Clone for sex... You get to pratice your clone skills....

I've re-vegged plants.... Cloned in Flower.... First time.... Do Not Try it... it will confuse the fukk out of you... with the terrible odd, really funky growing...
Clone for sex... it's so easy...


Well-Known Member
Personally I have tried all the above...I have found I can grow my plants out and flower them...but when I go to harvest I leave at least 4 little nubs of branches, with a few buds on them and some healthy little leaves...I then take this nub of a bush (with a stalk as big as my thumb) and reveg it...takes about 2 weeks to notice, but then...it will grow about a million branches (slight exaggeration) and I take clones from those reveged plants, so next time around I have more to flower...then I do it all over again...I have 5 reveging now...I will get around 10 clones from each...and then scrog the mothers which will still have around 20 to 30 branches left...peace...


New Member
So if i understand this when i identify sex get rid of males.
Every cutting (clone) from female will be female.
Keep under a cfl or 2 to maintain veg and
when ready shorten light cycle to flower

I do not need second tent as veg has no odor correct? Just keep a light on in the room.
Dont imagine i need 400 watts just some light for say 18 hours or so

I just looking for a simple method to keep in bud

I suppose i could let plants pollinate and i'd have enough seeds for a long time


Well-Known Member
^^^ correct except vegging plants do have odor, just not as strong as when flowering.

Get some Ona Gel to help with the smell, but if you are growing stealth, you may want to pass on the cloning and just work from seed like I do.

It's easy and you're not complicating things with another tent or odor from vegging plants that might get you busted.

Don't tell, don't smell, don't sell. Words to live by brother!