2 spoots 1 cube


Well-Known Member
I have 2 close sprouts coming out of the same cube. How do I handle that. With that one I have a total of 3 out of 8 seeds and don't want to waste it
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Well-Known Member
you should never plant more then 1 seed per a pot,,,early on its ok,but later on they will fight eachother for nutrients and water,try to seperate them into different pots,before its too late


Well-Known Member
That's what I thought. I read or saw some where that it said 2 seeds per hole because of the percentage that won't take.


Well-Known Member
we dont want them killing each other NOOO!!!!
ya just transplant when they are a little bigger so that they survive the stress :)


Well-Known Member
Well the 2 I separated seem to be doing ok. The 3rd smaller one doesn't appear to be going to make it. Another appears to be sprouting so we still could have 3.
But I'm not getting my hopes up.


Well-Known Member
Well the 2 I separated seem to be doing ok. The 3rd smaller one doesn't appear to be going to make it. Another appears to be sprouting so we still could have 3.
But I'm not getting my hopes up.
Well 2 of the plants are doing ok. One of the 2 I split is turning out nice and the other died a nice looking plant just before it died. That was totally my fault it got to warm and dry. That short heat wave we had got ahead of me.

I germinated another seed and put it in the cube and soil yesterday. It had a sprout about an 1/2 inch long. It's about 2 weeks behind the other 2. I will deal with that. I hope it continues to grow nicely.
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Well-Known Member
Well some how I'm back up to 4 plants. I found a sprout coming out of the soil with a plant already in it. I know there was only 1 seed in that pot. So not to let it go to waste I put it in a cube and set it in a pot. We'll see what happens.