2 week into flowering, leaves are starting to droop!


Well-Known Member
ir you are in northern hemisphere and budding outdoor its because you put them out to early. they will prob try and reveg or die.


Active Member
How much and/or how little are you watering them?

Give us more details too please! The more you reveal the better the ones with know-how can reply


i water them every single day, the first water is at 7 am and at 4 - 5 pm i mist them, i give them filtered water, the big plant i had it in my closet but since it became really big i had to take it out cause the other plants didnt get much light, 4 days ago the one that ive been chopping leaves stared drooping, then 2 days ago the one bud was straight up, i watered it in the morning as always and came back at noon to give a little look and leaves were completely drooped


Well-Known Member
your watering them to much, leaves will droop if watered to much. Also will cause leaves to yellow if you overwater them.

water them when the top soil dries out.