heres the deal i had a sprout that was 2 weeks old had been doing great, great color, great growth everything. i usually switch my lights (cfls) over from 24/7 to 20/4 from one week old to a week and a half. i had another that was a slow starter in the same space, i just wanted the smaller one to be healthy for the switch. it was exacty 2 weeks to the day yesterday, turned the timer on. Came in for watering this morning little one i was worried about was just fine, "healthy" one was all gnarled and shriveled, still green, but slowly turning brown. i usually mist them 3 times a day until their ready for a big boy dose. forgot to mist both last night ( misted 2 out of 3 times) and switched the light in the same night. what happened? it didnt completly dry up , did it become "addicted" to the light and spaz out? again its been in the 100s steady here in the south so my space( being upstairs) gets up to 88 degrees during the day drops back to 75 to 78 at night, never had a problem before.
so im really thinking it was the light switch over, but dont know if that can effect it. im all organic so its not a ph or fert. problem.
so im really thinking it was the light switch over, but dont know if that can effect it. im all organic so its not a ph or fert. problem.