2 week old plants. Leaves showing signs of sickness..got pics...need help


Hi there I have been doing research on different problems and symptoms and cant seem to pin point exactly what problem I have or the cause of it either.
here are pics of the leaves . 11 seedlings all together . 5 are showing the problems on leaves . I have been doing everything exactly the same for all plants . all germinated within 3 days of each other . i have read that if you have a fan blowing directly on the plants this can cause the leaves to show signs of sickness. I do have a small fan blowing on the plants which were the 5 that showed these signs . the other 6 did not have the fan and do not show these symptoms.. using dnf nutes at only 1/4 strength of rec. dose. temps are at 75 most of time 78 highest 69 lowest. 30 - 40 percent rh humidity....... plz help asap so i know what im doing wrong...



Fan burn is when the fan blows to hard.

The best is fan going side by side to allow them to not be touched. when they do you want them to be moved very little, kinda like a small wiggle. I can get a video of it, tomorrow for you so u can compare, if you would like.



thanks bro that would be greatly appreciated so that way i could compare to mine .... I am not using an oscillating fan just a 6" fan that I have blowing on the tops. any suggestion on using this type of fan opposed to oscillating?


Well-Known Member
I haven't used any fan at all on my last 3 grows. I think fans are a complete waste. I always got windburn when I tried to squeeze one in. If your space has adequate ventilation, I think fans are bogus.