2 week old plants with a few questions



Question 1

Should my seedlings be any bigger after 2 weeks in the soil? Each of them are about 3 inches tall, and 3 or 4 of the 6 show the beginning stages of the 3 bladed leaves. They've been outside since they sprouted, but we've had cloud cover almost the entire time. They've seen direct sunshine maybe 3 of the days total.. Not sure if that stunts growth, but it looks like it kind of has..

Question 2

3 plants are in 8" pots, and the other 3 are in 4"-6" pots. When should I transplant the ones in the smaller pots into larger ones, and should I transplant the ones in 8" pots into larger pots? I'm looking to get each plant about 4'-6' tall, I'm not sure if the 8" pots will be large enough to get the job done...

and finally, Question 3

Is everday household H2O from the hose OK for the plants? I've heard people use it and it works just fine, and I've heard other people use it and it puts too much salts and other minerals into the soil and it damages the plants. So I'm not too sure on this one...

Thanks for your help from a newbie grower!


Well-Known Member
Hard to say on the size as alot depends on other factors, I doubt they stunted, they just waiting out the shitty weather.

Whatever you decide to transplant them into make it the final home, if you wanna grow em big id use 3 gal. or 5 gal buckets, easier to maintain. Most home stores sell 5 gal. pails cheap for painting, Home Depot by my house sells em for 3 bucks each.

The water question all depends on the water in your area, so theres no 1 answer for that sorry. For my indoor grows I use only distiled, outdoors that becomes harder as more water is needed outside as it dries up quicker, but if your water comes from a softener I wouldnt use that. But most water softeners have bypasses on them where you can take untreated water so you dont get the salts. Id still test this though to see if its any good, get a ph kit at a fish store.


OK cool, thanks for the replies guys. Good info there. +rep.


Well-Known Member
Question 1. There are fine in size, they would be an inch or taller if indoors under 24hr lights. They will excell when they get sun and about 4 weeks in they will really take off. Better than indoors.

Question 2. If you are going to get 4-6 ' tall plants I would go with at least a 3gallon if not a 5 gallon. They need lots of room root to hold the plant up.
As for transplanting, I would wait 2 weeks then straight into a large container.

Question 3. Household water is great, it has many minerals in it that is good for the plant. The only thing is\... you need to let the water air out for 24hrs so any chlorine can gas out into the air, also the ph will need to be set (6.5) .


Active Member
they do look a little small for two weeks, i wonder if the clouds really did stunt them... as long as you keep em healthy ( i.e. read some info on growing in soil, i found a lot of good stuff, as well as good people who were willing 2 help on this site, and i googled alot of my education, also i read the growers bible), but i dont use soil., find some Ph up & down, test your Ph regularly, two to three times a week. pick up a moisture level meter, and Ph meter, at home depot, or a hydro shop, i have well water, and i dont want 2 use it, ( too many metals and crap in there ) i go to the market and get rev. osmosis water, for 25 cents a gallon, i tested it at 6.5-7.0, try not to over water, and they should blow up soon enough.


Day 18

Theres a little bit of browning on the tips of one of the plants, but I'm not really all that worried about it, it doesn't look like anything too serious. One of the other plants looks a lot lighter and skinnier than the other ones, I figure this has to be the different strain, each of the plants are given the exact same stuff, just whatever is in the soil and water every other day or so, I havn't fed them any nutrients yet.

Any comments totally welcome. :peace:


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Question 1. There are fine in size, they would be an inch or taller if indoors under 24hr lights. They will excell when they get sun and about 4 weeks in they will really take off. Better than indoors.

Question 2. If you are going to get 4-6 ' tall plants I would go with at least a 3gallon if not a 5 gallon. They need lots of room root to hold the plant up.
As for transplanting, I would wait 2 weeks then straight into a large container.

Question 3. Household water is great, it has many minerals in it that is good for the plant. The only thing is\... you need to let the water air out for 24hrs so any chlorine can gas out into the air, also the ph will need to be set (6.5) .
Almost word 4 word what I was about to type.


So the soil is still pretty moist, like I said, CONTINUAL cloud cover almost the entire time they've been in the soil... I didn't water yesterday, I was thinking about skipping today and watering tomarrow, I think they should be fine.

The 25th will be one month in, after that I'm going to add some feeding solution. Anyone have any good ideas for nutrients?


Day 21

Checked the plants today, they've been getting a bit more sun than usual lately, they look nice, and they're starting to fill out a bit, they look bigger each time I check em!

One of the plants looks like it almost totally stopped growing, but it's strong as hell and the root system looks pretty nice too.. There's a pic of the roots on two of the plants, the other roots are of the lighter green skinnier plant.

Anyone tell what types of plants these might be from the pics so far? From what I can tell, it looks like there's 2 indica strains, one in the green pot and one in the orange pot, then maybe a 1/2 indica 1/2 sativa in the other orange pot, and a pure sativa, that lighter green skinny one!, and maybe another dominant sativa and another mystery! I can't wait till these things get bigger and fill out! Hopefully they turn out female too!

Some more pics, a couple for comparison;




Day 24

There's a little bit more growth, these pics are from yesterday;

Any comments? How they lookin? Can anyone pinpoint any of the strains?




Day 26

Snapped some more pics last night. Right now, 4 of the 6 plants are going great, they're getting bigger each day, but the other two seem to have almost stopped growing, or are going reeeeally slow... Both of them have a really good root system, I tried to get a pic of that but my hand was too shaky or something...

Also included is a pic of the nutes in the soil I'm using. I was planning on getting something with more nitrogen, like a liquid furtilizer, I was reading somewhere else on this site about that, they were saying it works great for the veg stage, and the plants have been in for just about a month, so I was planning on transplaning all of them then starting them on some nitrogen food, sound like a good idea?

I'm stoked about this, growing is a really interesting hobby!




Think I should be worried about the little burn on the tips?

I'm pretty sure it's just sun damage, and it's mostly on the tips of the single bladed leaves, I think I read somewhere those leaves just fall off down the road anyway, right?

Things to come;

-transplant into 5 gallon pots
-get good nutes
-sit back and let the July sun do it's job (someone said it gets too hot in July for MJ.. around here it can reach 80F-95F on average) I'll throw em in the shade if it gets past 85F, that should do the trick right?


Well-Known Member
My concern is the ultra-thin stems on those puppies. Which I assume is due to them being grown in those pots with the soil low in them so the wind never got at them for the last couple weeks. I can see those things wilting over extremely easily


My concern is the ultra-thin stems on those puppies. Which I assume is due to them being grown in those pots with the soil low in them so the wind never got at them for the last couple weeks. I can see those things wilting over extremely easily
They're actually pretty strong, the stems are a little thin but I just figure that's because they're still babies. I'm not too worried about that. I'll snap some closer shots of the stems next time to get a better assessment. :blsmoke:


Some more shots, on some of these you can see some of the sunburn. Is that a big deal at this point? It's pretty much only on the leaves with one blade and the first set of leaves with three blades, still though, I don't think it looks that bad, I figure it's just going to keep growing and produce more leaves right?


Also, it could just be me being impatient... but I really think that one in the green pot has started to smell a bit! Do plants usually smell at this stage? I swear I can smell a little bit of skunkyness!




Day 32

(I guess I'm just turning this into a grow journal...)

Here's some more pics I just took, the plants are doing pretty good, and growing at a good pace, the 5 finger leaves have just come out on 4 of the plants.



Active Member
Day 32

(I guess I'm just turning this into a grow journal...)

Here's some more pics I just took, the plants are doing pretty good, and growing at a good pace, the 5 finger leaves have just come out on 4 of the plants.
they look good., the time goes by fast, are u keeping them outside?