2 week seedlings have yellowing leaves


Active Member
I have these 4 plants in cups of FFOF soil, watered every 4 days...

3 of my plants are showing yellowing on the first leaves...

the pics were taken yesterday, today they are a little bigger and brighter.

is this a Potassium def?

I am not running any nutes right now...

I was told it is normal for the first leaves to have this

let me know



Well-Known Member
Hey and welcome to RIU
I hear that FFOF is for more mature veggin plants than seedlings, this could b your prob.
My seedlings don't yellow like that, def don't need nutes, they will burn it, wait another week or 2 at least on those.
Could try using 1/2 tbls in a gal of water on your next water for the micro nutes, that wont hurt your plants


Well-Known Member
i have the same exact problem with my seedlings that are that same size. this is my seventh cycle growing and i have never had this problem. i gave them a very small amount of nutes, like 1/4 strength or a little less just like 30 minutes ago.hopefully this will help, i will let you know. my nutes consist of fish emulsions, seaweed extract and foxfarm big bloom, so all are fairly mild and probably not what you are using. what kind of nutes are you planning on using??
wow the similarities are startling i have four plants as well, one is a lighter green then all the rest and the other three look just like yours. i am pretty stumped on this issue as well. i would not think they would be defecient of anything this young, but i have no idea what else it would be. the highest probablility of a defeciency would be a nitrogen def. so that is what i am treating it as for now. let us know how you treat this and how it turns out. good luck


Active Member
Alright here is an update... 16days old... the yellowing doesnt look all that good at all... but the rest of the plant is growing fine... I also started noticing dark brown spots on one of the plants

and out of the 4... 1 looks freaking healthy as hell and tall.... but not as bushy.

also have a video



Active Member
yeah second the nute burn IMO dont use ffof to start seeds its a pretty hot soil... plants should be 3 to 4 weeks old to put in ffof soil. give it 2 more weeks before you feed any more nutes


Well-Known Member
hope you sort your problem mate :)
nice clear pics though.
Overall there not looking too bad!


Active Member
Alrighty... nute burn it is....

and there is nothing much I can do aside from just waiting it out right?...

and I shouldnt transplant them into a 2gal pot now either cause I was going to use FFOF which would introduce even more nutes to the plants right?


and 2 things.... I really wish someone stopped me from using FFOF... all I kept reading was how great of a soil it is and what not... no one even mentioned anything in my journal

and how come one of plants is growing real well with zero signs of nute burn, and is the tallest of the bunch?... just genetics right?


Well-Known Member
get them out of them cups put them in some other soil. roots organics is really nice and we were using nutes when they were that size.


Well-Known Member
I'd say flush OR transplant to some other soil.
Yeah FFOF is great shit, but not for youngens.

Some just grow faster, just like plp.
They should recover just fine tho.


Active Member
I'd say flush OR transplant to some other soil.
Yeah FFOF is great shit, but not for youngens.

Some just grow faster, just like plp.
They should recover just fine tho.

well... the plants are 2 weeks old

and it was mentioned earlier in this thread that FFOF should only be used for plants that are 4weeks old

so... you recommend transplanting into a non FFOF soil for just 2 weeks?... and then go back to FFOF?

and my initial plan was to transplant into a 2gal pot after the 16oz cups... and stop there... go no further...

if I take the flushing route, do I just run water through the soil until I fill up another 16oz cup with run off water?


or just leave everything alone and wait it out? as Im assuming all this is going to stress the plant a bit?


Well-Known Member
just keep them where they are now next time use a soil like sunshine for first four weeks then make the switch to fox when u transplant out of the cups