2 weeks into flowering and I think I have mites .,..


I received two gorgeous plants from a friends garden. She said to put them right into flower cause they were more than ready . I am still a newbie , I've had one semi successful run do far . The girls are huge they are soil grown. They have been flowering for over two weeks now, and last week I started to see signs of spider mites. I found a site that said at this point I only have limited options since I am already flowering ,they suggested spraying the plants down with ice water and rubbing alcohol . Has anyone tried this ? Does it work ? Does anyone have any suggestions ? I also have five clones and 3 seedlings that I am worried about now too . Any advice on what I should or can do ?



Well-Known Member
Ice water and alcohol? Nope. There's a few threads everyday here devoted to eliminating the bastards. I used Sevin the one time I had had enough. Do NOT use if 30 days or less from chopping and be fair and tell folks you share with that you used Sevin and when you did it.


Well-Known Member
BTW - you will need to fumigate that room before another grow or chance suffering the same BS again over and over. Prevention beats elimination any day.


Have you seen " no spider mites" or neem oil ? They both claim to be organic and the "no spider mites" says it can be applied to any stage plant even ones in flower . Also I was looking into getting beneficial mites to eat the spider mites . Any advice on those methods ?


Active Member
u have time still and lots of it actually. First step is to move all infected plants into ur shower and spray down with cold as water as this will cause the bugs to be stunned and remain so for a while. Next empty ur room and spray everything down with a good bleach solution and wipe the walls after. Now that u have eliminated them from the room u can kill the remaining bugs on the infected plants. Try first using organicide from home depot. Its stinks like fish oil but is safe on day of harvest and omri certified. After 3 days treat again and again 3 days later. If u can leave the room empty long enough to set off a raid bomb that would help to. I always spray, wipe and bomb my flower rooms in between cycles. If all else fails get sum Avid online. it lingers for 23-30 days on the plant tho so its not for use after week 3 of flower. An alternate schedule of multiple organic pesticides is the long term solution.
go get some mighty wash and spray the under side of your plants.run your hand up the wetted plant covering the whole under side...used this and it works great.


Active Member
Mighty wash and rosemary oil spry while in flower. Don't panic just spray they will go away. Lol