2 weeks into flowering. Yellow fan leaves and very leafy buds. PICS!

So im approximately 2 weeks into flowering and the fan leaves are going yellow, and its happening quite quickly. Also the buds that are forming appear very leafy :(

This is a first grow for me. Plant is growing in soil in a greenhouse in the UK. The weather here is pretty cold at the moment and days are usually very overcast so not really getting great amounts of light. I lock the plant in a small shed at night to protect it from the cold, and to control the light schedule. (im doing it so that its getting 11 light / 13 dark to speed up the flowering a little since the frosts will be here soon.)

So heres some pics, what do you guys think??

I did a little researched and it seems the yellowing is normal during flowering, but isnt this a little too much, too soon??

Am i feeding her right? Im using Bio-Bloom 1-3-2 (4ml's per litre) with every water. i only water her when the surface soil has dried and gone crispy. should i be watering more frequently during this stage??



Active Member
Just get a.small box.of.the cheapest all purpose fertilizer and mix it at 1/2 strength and feed ur plant once with it and the yellow will go away pull the bad leaves as they will not.come back and the plant waste energy on them. If u don't want to buy ferts.u can use urine delute 10:1 and feed
Iv got some 1-1-1 miracle gro all purpose stuff that i used during veg but i just fed her this morning. should i add that on top of the current feed, or replace one feed with the all purpose?


Active Member
LOL don't listen to him that's a bit silly. Please believe me cheap nutes are not worth it. If it's worth fertilizing- you sure as hell care if it goes to shit. I used cheap nutes on my tomato's and ornamental outdoor plants here and they got pale just like that photo and other problems and i couldn't understand why because i kept fertilizing it. One day i went to start again with my indoor nutrient tank with proper nutrients and rather than tipping it down the drain I poured it on to some plants. I was SHOCKED by how fast and how healthy the tomato's shot back. I thought one was diseased it was so bad but then heaps of nice green fat leaves came out of no where a very short time after getting some real nutrients.

By the way I reckon since it's in flower and from the NPK numbers you gave me for the nutrients you use then it's Potassium (K) that you are lacking. You want to get on that straight away because K is the main element for flowering and budding. As time ticks your plant is losing out on its potential if it is deficient.

If you take my advice and go to a hydroponic place and get the cheap brand there (if you don't want to pick any other one there) you will need to get the bloom one. Nutrients come in a Vegetation mix and a Bloom mix based on if it is flowering or not. This is because different nutrients are needed for different things the plant does.
DON'T USE YOUR URINE for crying out loud! That doesn't have even half of the micro and macro nutrients you need.
Go to a hydro shop and get the cheap one there- not the wallmart or supermarket or what ever store cheap one or expensive one for that matter. You spend like 30 bucks on a bottle and in soil it will last you a long time and your plants will thrive like cheap shit will never do for you.

Your light level doesn't look like a problem from the plant health. The leaves don't look like they are suffering from over water or under water but it sounds a bit worrying when you say crispy on top. I hope that means that if you push just under the surface it's almost moist at the driest? You wet it obviously when you water with a little bit of run off but you let it stay moist and not wet from there on. When it's losing what you would call moist and starting to go dry (never powder or sand like) just below the surface then you water again. Nutrient bottle's have instructions on them to follow but you never give soil nutrients every feed. See what the bottle says but a general rule is no more than once a week.

Oh one last bit of advice, it's hard to see the pot size and obviously it has worked for you thus far but it really does pay to give plants plenty of root room. You could definitely double or even triple that pot to help your plant- but the real help would of been if you had done it weeks ago.

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
you clearly have a Nitrogen def the plant is using the the nitrogen in the fan leaves, get some nitrogen and feed it with that (i use Canna Mono Nitrogen) which you can get in the UK feed with that and in about a week you will see improvement. I would not pull any leaves until you have fixed the problem or the yellowing will the just move on to the new green leaves.