2 weeks into flowering :)


Well-Known Member
looks awesome if thats all the light your using ?. late flowering (bud porn) is better so remember to share them with us..
Thanks man. Just four 42-watt CFL's. Used Fish Emulsion for the Vegging stage, using a 15-35-15 blooming fert I picked up from home depot and being careful to follow the instructions and just using water, I followed the rule for a rose, and within 3 days it started getting those little bud/flowers on it. Granted this is still early in so who knows how the final product will be but so far I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome using rather cheap products.

A little tender loving care has made my plant grow, and havent had any gnats since listening to some on here.

EDIT: an old CRT tv of mine went out, so I have no more use for the tv stand it sits on now. It's a fairly tall and sturdy corner stand. For my next grow, I'm going to mod it and have it so I can adjust the height of the lights, using 8 cfl's in there for 3 plants. I'm pretty stoked to set it up in the closet the current plant is in now, and when it's all setup can't wait to see the outcome of it. In It holds 3 plants and the shelves are movable. I'm going to mod it to house adjustable cfl lights and put a reflective door on the front, prolly with a windshield visor or something similar
2013-09-24 20.03.32.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm really hoping that isn't tin foil. If it is, go to a hardware store (Lowes or Home Depot) and buy some reflectix..

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
the flat white paint on the walls is better then the foil for light. think adding 2 cfl's at the bottom would be good or lollipop them, bottom of plant barely getting light
Eactly what I'm planning, I have an old desk lamp I'm use for that. The bulbs aren't rly ezpensive but with other bills just gotta make due paycheck after paycheck. Get a little more each time.


Active Member
The reason i asked is because, just because u throw ur plants into 12/12 doesn't mean the plant just immediately starts flowering. It can take a plant 1 to 3 weeks to realize that it needs to begin to flower, but if ur counting that in ur grow schedule for harvest, u could be shorting urself 2 to 3 weeks more of growth and development in ur plant. Hopefully u are monitoring ur tricomb development to tell when ur ready to harvest. But u also have to be mindful of nute feeding schedules. U could be giving ur plant on particular nute because u believe u are in one stage of growth but in reality u are in another. Just something to think about. Good Luck and Happy Smoking :bigjoint::bigjoint:
Gotcha. That's good info, never a dull learning moment here man :) well that 2 weeks into 12/12, after a week I noticed these are getting those little buds on them. Thought that was considered the start of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, how long your in flowering is counted from the day you first saw white hairs. If I were you id add some more light bulbs to light up the lower parts of your plant or your buds are going to be mostly airy.
I started seeing white hairs about two weeks ago, thanks man. Ill get on the adding of some lights.

Thanks all for your advice, I'm learning a ton guys :)