2 weeks left till harvest.. feed one last time or no?

November 4 will make 6 weeks of 12/12.. I watered my plants only on November 1 should I still only water sense I only have 2 weeks left or feed one last time.. I DONT FLUSH
Have you grown this strain before and know the finishing times or are all the hairs brown? What strain is it btw?
It isca mix of fox farm all I know..all 8 week finish time for sure.. Just wondering if I should feed this time or no.. Have to take down In 8 weeks no matter what have people putting in ac soon so they cut in 2 weeks witch will be 8 weeks of 12 12
up to you I spose. Hard with out pics to make a call. You are doing well to have a soil grow finish in 8 weeks I must say.
I have several that finish in 8 weeks. What strain are you growing? Barney's Farm is the seed co, not the strain.
November 4 will make 6 weeks of 12/12.. I watered my plants only on November 1 should I still only water sense I only have 2 weeks left or feed one last time.. I DONT FLUSH
What's the difference between just watering and flushing?

I believe that just using plain water the last 2 weeks is considered "flushing" Science tells us that it doesn't actually take anything out of the plant. It actually pushes what nutrients it does have in the plant and leaves into the flowers in an attempt to reproduce.
I have never had a plant finish in the exact time the breeder says it will. They always take longer. If you're going strictly off what the breeder says, even without seeing the plant I can almost guarantee you're more than two weeks away from harvest. I suggest uploading some pictures. Keep feeding and don't go by what the breeder says.
If you can be sure it is 2 weeks before harvest, either feed one last time or not is OK. The question is how do you know you only have 2 weeks left. You need to be careful because if you stop feeding them too early(start earlier than 2 weeks before harvest) you can actually hurt your quality (and reduce your yields). Unless you have grown this strain before, you never know the finishing time.
This just fucking nuts shit! I'll never need TV to get a laugh.

#1: They'll be far.far better if you run them longer..... They amber? How quaint. :mrgreen: Yeah, yeah, I still have a cpl strains that do, but mostly not.

#2: You don't flush - GOOD FIRST STEP! :clap::clap::clap:

Now what is this not feeding thing supposed to do for you?

#3: It's not "removing" anything from the buds either! Well, except nutrition that would help the buds bulk up!

Fade to finish is not effective to improve flavor or burn.

Any nutrient the plant "stores", is moved directly to the buds to allow them to now, quickly as they can. Attempt to reproduce. This allows the plant to have a larger chance to herm btw....

Feed it til the last few days. What remains in the soil for those last 3,,,will carry it out.
November 4 will make 6 weeks of 12/12.. I watered my plants only on November 1 should I still only water sense I only have 2 weeks left or feed one last time.. I DONT FLUSH

If you consider 12/12 starting flower then you have to add about two weeks. It takes that long for flowering to start in most cases. I've seen some plants show flower in a week but that's when they have been vegged for over 2 months. Flushing is just using large amounts of plain water. I usually flush the last watering or about 3-5 days before chop. I don't think it does any good to start too soon. Your starving them.