2 weeks left?


Active Member
hello all.I think My plant is about ready and i came here to get some confirmation..hopefully.

A little info:
Strain is papaya. It is under a 400 w hps and has been on 12 12 for about 7 weeks.(really 8 but 1 week i accidentally messed up the timer) Nirvana says they are ready in 6-8 weeks. So.. What do yall think. 2 weeks or longer? I cant let them go past 2.5 so im hopin that is the latest. Thanks for lookin



Active Member
damn dudes not what i wanted to hear.. But thank you anyway. I guess ill just give it the 2.5 cause im goin on vacation for a week then. Thanks a lot for the quick replies guys and sorry for my ignorance.


Active Member
hello all.I think My plant is about ready and i came here to get some confirmation..hopefully.

A little info:
Strain is papaya. It is under a 400 w hps and has been on 12 12 for about 7 weeks.(really 8 but 1 week i accidentally messed up the timer) Nirvana says they are ready in 6-8 weeks. So.. What do yall think. 2 weeks or longer? I cant let them go past 2.5 so im hopin that is the latest. Thanks for lookin
What type of nutrients are you using? are you growing in soil or hydroponically? I would go out and buy the FoxFarm soluble tri pack. It's like 90$ but it'll sweeten up your bud a little bit and could help cut the flowering short. Also you may want to throw some blue spectrum in there the week before you are leaving. It will give more resin production and trich development which will move the flowering stage along a little quicker. Either way leaving your bud isn't going to be good at this point because ur going to need to move it from light to dark as you start to cure it. I would get some nutes and give it a good week of strong feeding and then flush it out and hit it with a MH for the last week. I dunno it looks nice tho. Great Job! +rep


Active Member
tommy - i forgot to look yesterday. Ill check on thursday.

What type of nutrients are you using? are you growing in soil or hydroponically? I would go out and buy the FoxFarm soluble tri pack. It's like 90$ but it'll sweeten up your bud a little bit and could help cut the flowering short. Also you may want to throw some blue spectrum in there the week before you are leaving. It will give more resin production and trich development which will move the flowering stage along a little quicker. Either way leaving your bud isn't going to be good at this point because ur going to need to move it from light to dark as you start to cure it. I would get some nutes and give it a good week of strong feeding and then flush it out and hit it with a MH for the last week. I dunno it looks nice tho. Great Job! +rep
I am currently using foxfarm's liquid nutrients with the addition of molasses(every 3 days) along with earth juice micro nutrients when needed(2-4 weeks). You have great suggestions that i will probably apply to my next grow. I would love to buy the tri pack but im pretty broke there days so thats not an option.
Do you suggest i add another lamp in there or switch out my bulb for the mh conversion bulb? That part confused me a lil. Im pretty sure i will be cutting them down before i go on vacation. I will be gone for 1 week and don really have anyone to watch the plant. So ill probably just give her 2 more feedings before i flush her. Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
1 week isn't that long. how often do you water them. i left mine for 10 days when i went on vacation. i watered it real well and put it under a few cfls on 12\12. just so i wasnt worrying about the hid burning down my house or anything like that,and in hope that it would stay wet longer with the lower temps but ive gone for a week before and run the hid a few times. puting it under cfl seemed the best thing to do, may have added a week though but i figure its best to harvest a ripe plant than a premature one so its worth the wait


Active Member
tommy - i forgot to look yesterday. Ill check on thursday.

I am currently using foxfarm's liquid nutrients with the addition of molasses(every 3 days) along with earth juice micro nutrients when needed(2-4 weeks). You have great suggestions that i will probably apply to my next grow. I would love to buy the tri pack but im pretty broke there days so thats not an option.
Do you suggest i add another lamp in there or switch out my bulb for the mh conversion bulb? That part confused me a lil. Im pretty sure i will be cutting them down before i go on vacation. I will be gone for 1 week and don really have anyone to watch the plant. So ill probably just give her 2 more feedings before i flush her. Thanks for the help
What I was saying is to switch back to the MH. You're going to get less weight from bud but you'll increase resin production from the blue spectrum of the bulb and this can help in trich development making it ready for harvest a bit sooner.