200 watt CFL & a timer?


Active Member
I recently purchased a couple of 200 watt cfls bulbs & it clearly states what, where, & how it's to be used. It tells me I can't use a timer with it. That really sucks, but Im gonna use a timer anyway. My question is for you folks out there, have you used a timer with a high wattage cfl before? Any problems?


No digital timer. a mechanical timer will be fine, so long as you don't exceed the (usually 1800 watts) limit. So if you have the kind of timer with the pins you push in and out, you'll be fine.


There are timers rated for CFL applications. It will have a pic of the same on the outside of the box.


I wrote to Intermatic about this, and they said any mechanical (pins type) timer would be fine for CFLs. The digital ones where you set the times on an LCD type screen, will not work because of the circuitry.


Active Member
No digital timer. a mechanical timer will be fine, so long as you don't exceed the (usually 1800 watts) limit. So if you have the kind of timer with the pins you push in and out, you'll be fine.

Yeah that's what I'm rockin, sweet. Thanks dude!