2010 outdoor guerilla grow *my first official grow

hey guys, I've been a long time lurker of the forums and since i decided to start growing this year, i felt it necessary to make a grow log and just a thread where I can get some advice if needed. I know quite a bit about growing outdoors and indoors, but no actual experience.
I found a few spots at my local park that are completely impossible to find unless you know where it is, and no one would even want to venture all the way to the spot. You have to take your shoes off and walk across a river, wade thru extremely dense underbrush/prickers/poison ivy, and the plot is hidden behind pine trees. The first spot i found was quite literally a circle of trees, thusly named the forest temple. it's a little spot about 5 feet by 5 feet wide with no brush or anything, and its completely surrounded by trees. The bad thing is the trees are so high and the canopy opening is so small, only about 4 hours of direct sunlight reaches the ground. So i just threw a few bagseeds in the ground and watered it, they have sprouted already but they probably won't grow much.

So for our official grow area, we fenced off a square and tilled the soil up and we're going back tomorrow to mix in some soil mix/perlite/worm castings/mulch. I germinated about 20 seeds a couple days ago and since then i have planted the seeds in those little black garden trays you buy baby plants in. during the day i put them on my roof and at night i keep them in my closet with a CFL. I used regular potting mix with some plant food for the babys. 4 have sprouted already, one is starting to spread its leaves out, and the other three still have to shed the seed casing. I water them whenever the soil gets crusty, and i use water with about ten percent fertilizer to give them a good jump start. I will move them outside and transplant them to our garden when they are about 4 inches tall or so. The soil mix I am using to augment the soil already at the site(and its pretty good soil too, lots of shit growing and worms and bugs everywhere) is a mixture of potting mix from MG and some other company i don't remember, some plant+shrub mix that's heavier and has more mulch and shit, some regular plant food, sand, and a few handfulls of perlite. The nutes i am using are MG 15-30-15. I know people say don't use MG, but i don't have the money to go out and buy all these fancy nutes so ima use what I have here at my house. So i guess that's all the info i have for you guys today, tomorrow im going to go mix the soil up and finish preparing the garden for my little babies!
I look forward to sharing my first growing experience with you guys and hope you can give me some pointers here and there to help the process go a lot smoother and so i end up with nice big buds (:



Well-Known Member
Its looking good so far, just got a few pointers though. Don't post pics of you or friends in them, just in case the unlikely happens, you can easily be tagged to the crime with that pic. Don't put too much fertilizer with your seedlings, it could burn them or slow growth. You should allow your seedlings to get a little larger than 4' before putting them into the big world. And finally have fun!
alright haha i knew it probably wasn't a good idea to put that picture on, I'll just put black boxes over their faces or crop them out or something. My seedlings are still outside, its raining really goddamn hard so I hope they're okay, when it stops raining im bringing them inside and putting them under the CFL and I'll probably take a few pictures of them. I probably won't give them anymore of that fert water just in case. It was some fertilizer we got free with some flowers we bought, it just says mix a teaspoon with a gallon, so i put an 8th teaspoon in a regular water bottle and just filled it up with filtered tap water. I can't wait for them to get big so I can finally get this grow under way!
When I plant the seedlings outside, how far apart should I plant them? I have sixteen trays filled and i have a feeling that a few might not make it, and some will definitely be males so I'll just pull those and clone the females.


Well-Known Member
alright haha i knew it probably wasn't a good idea to put that picture on, I'll just put black boxes over their faces or crop them out or something. My seedlings are still outside, its raining really goddamn hard so I hope they're okay, when it stops raining im bringing them inside and putting them under the CFL and I'll probably take a few pictures of them. I probably won't give them anymore of that fert water just in case. It was some fertilizer we got free with some flowers we bought, it just says mix a teaspoon with a gallon, so i put an 8th teaspoon in a regular water bottle and just filled it up with filtered tap water. I can't wait for them to get big so I can finally get this grow under way!
When I plant the seedlings outside, how far apart should I plant them? I have sixteen trays filled and i have a feeling that a few might not make it, and some will definitely be males so I'll just pull those and clone the females.
umm as long as the fertilizer is diluted it should be fine. As for distance i would say 2-4ft apart? but don't plant in a pattern, it looks suspicious from the sky. And this is my first year, and i agree it is very exciting i cant wait to see how it ends up (hopefully good). I always wana check my plot everyday, but i promised myself i will only check once a week so i don't seem suspicious. Patience is very important :)
haha i know exactly how that is dude, i've been to my plot the past 3 days in a row but i'll probably stop going so often once i get my babies planted and everything squared away and i can just let mother nature do her thang:mrgreen:
we've also thought about throwing down ferts on the path every week or so to keep the growth going so the path isn't obvious, because Im gonna be real pissed if someone snatches my plants right when im going to harvest! but its a real out of the way spot and frankly a pain in the ass to get there so i don't think It's an issue. Im actually on steroids right now to get rid of all the poison ivy i got clearing my garden out haha.
alright well lots of things have changed, I moved to a new grow site behind my buddy's house. I'm on vacation for three weeks and I needed to enlist the help of a buddy to take care of my babies and he just said i could plant them in his backyard so the day before I left we went and tilled a nice area on a hillside that gets a pretty good amount of sun. I added some potting soil with plant food and mulch and sand mixed in and i augmented the native soil with that. I planted 4 seedlings and 4 germinated seeds, it was definitely too early but the plants took it fine. A few days after I left my buddy told me we lost a few plants to animals and we only have five growin now but he said they are doing good. Im so excited to get back and watch my babies grow in person. Im gonna see if he can send me a picture so I can show you guys. Since this is my first grow and is mainly just an experiment i will be happy if i get one female and i get at least an ounce or two off her. I'll keep you posted!
well i had my friend send me a few pictures, he took pictures of 3 of the 5 plants and they look like they are stretching a little bit, and there isn't much new growth as far as i can tell. My buddy says they get direct sunlight pretty much all days so I don't think that's the problem. It's only been about three weeks though so I don't think its a big deal, they might still be considered seedlings and haven't started vegging yet. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
3 weeks old? from taproot pop or from planting? Either way, they must not be getting enough something. Not nutes. Only thing I could think of is that the roots aren't breathing enough, or they aren't getting enough sun...but for how young those look, they don't seem to be too stretched. I think it's your soil, probably needs some sort of aeration.
It's three weeks from pop. When we cultivated the soil we tilled about 10 or so inches down, and the native soil was mixed with good potting soil that has sand mixed in it too to make it lighter. They were planted in that soil not even a week ago though, so I think they might just be slow getting started, they still kinda look like seedlings. But i can't really do much about it since i'm on vacation anyways, I'm so excited to get back and see what's up with my babes.
yeah I'm gonna go with they're still seedlings and haven't started vegging yet. I might've shocked them a bit when i put them in the soil because they were so young, probably only 2 or three inches tall, and they had just started growing their third pair of leaves. Anyone else have any input? It'd be greatly appreciated, this is my first grow and I wanna do it right.
alright well I have some bad news, my buddy called me and unfortunately 3 of the remaining 5 plants were eaten by birds...
Fucking birds? what the fuck? I didn't even know birds cared about or ate pot plants, this comes as a shock to me. He swore to me he saw a bird attack and eat one of the plants so he assumed that's what happened to the other 2. I really don't know what to do, I'll be home friday so I suppose I'll figure it out then. I guess as long as the remaining two survive I'll just clone the fuck outta them and hope at least one of them is a female. This is really a heartbreaker to me and i swear if i see a bird eating my plants again I'll shoot the fucker with my 20 gague. Any advice or suggestions is greatly appreciated as always.
well my friend called again today and guess what, another plant was eaten completely by birds. That leaves one plant out of eight that we planted. So when i get back friday we're going to plant some germinated seeds but we're gonna do it right this time, big holes in seperate locations and we're gonna make a cage for each plant. I know its a bit late to start but i figure they will get a solid two months of growth, they will probably start flowering at the end of august as I live in ohio. If you guys think its too late and not worth it i probably won't waste my time and I'll just take care of the one plant I have left and maybe clone it and just hope its a female. But with my luck it probably won't be. I just wanted to get at least one plant harvested to get a successful grow under my belt before I go big next summer.