2011 Outdoor Grow


Started off under a UFO 50W LED light (4 LED colours, one blue, one white and two red wavelengths) for 3.5 weeks, then they went in a cold frame for 1 month and then moved outdoors. Second ever grow. All the plants are now 2.5 months old.

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Sugar Black rose X 2

Jock horror

Raw Diesel



Haze Automatic (cropping very soon)

Purple Maroc

I look forward to your comments, even if its a bit of constructive criticism!


The bracken not only hides them but also reduces the number of pests likely to feed on them as nothing likes bracken. They are being grown organically so i needed as many natural deterants as possible. I'm using garlic and neem sprays to encourage growth (garlic solution) and deter pests and fungus (neem and garlic).


I live on the south coast of Cornwall (uk) so it's quite sunny and warm come spring and summer. They are all fems as I paid the extra for fem seeds. The soil is bullrush organic soil however I have mixed in my own compost which consisted mainly of red bush tea bags, apple cores, banana skin, a bit of orange peal, white mollusc shells and the odd bit of organic meat here and there. The only other thing I add is a home made garlic solution which I add when watering to encourage root growth and also spray the whole plant with this to deter pests and mold.

Last year my plants got to about 2 metres tall but I lost a few to mold with the wet summer we had. Next year I really want to grow a few dinafem moby dicks as I hear they can grow up to 3 metres and produce 1.5kg!!!!


Well-Known Member
We're growing outdoors "Ice, Iced Grapefruit and Grapefruit" in the Pacific Northwest. Began plants outdoors in early May. It's mid July and they are all around 5 feet tall (1.6 meter) and have just begun blooming. We grow in organic compost and use no fertilizer. Plants have monstrous stalks and have not been pruned. Tall weeds surrounding plants hide them almost entirely from view. They are hard to spot.