2013 Outdoor Grow! Please help!

I am looking for some help with these genetics I have just ordered! I am growing outdoors in a coastal rainforest in BC, Canada. My goal for the grow is 30 healthy females out of my 55 seeds (about 40 are feminized). I will be using a mixture of the forest's native soil with my own personal mix in 3ftx3ft in ground holes. Advanced nutes will be used in a weekly watering throughout the plants life cycle. When i ordered these strains i was looking for production, quality and nothing that would flower into late October as I want to avoid the rains. Please leave feedback on the following genetics as far as yields, quality, problems, tendacies, tips, or whatever you think may help! I have quite a few so bare with me and thanks for your help!

Afghan Kush (World of Seeds Fem)
Northern LightxBig Bud (World of Seeds Fem)
Master Kush (Nirvana Fem)
Big Bomb (Bomb Fem)
Critical Mass (Mr Nice)
Shit (Mr Nice)
Afghani Kush (Next Generation Fem)
Dynamite (Next Gen Fem)
Grape God (Next Gen Fem)



Well-Known Member
You have some good ones there. You can google most of the info you desire from the strain name.