since flip to 12/12 on 15th Oct '19 everything has shown sex, pic below is new pollen chuck Bodhi Sunshine Daydream x Bodhi Space Monkey with a 85% female to male ratio
all the below are approx female to male ratio of new pollen chucks being grown out atm -
*(Cannaventure PRK x Mosca C99 x Cannarado Barney Rubble) x Bodhi Sunshine Daydream 95%
Dynasty Platinum Huckleberry Cookies x Archive Face Off OG 90%
(UK Cheese x Blueberry x Mikado x Cannarado Barney Rubble) x Bodhi Sunshine Daydream 90%
Bodhi Space Monkey x Archive Face Off OG 90%
(IHG Cactido x Cannarado Barney Rubble) x Dynasty Platinum Huckleberry Cookies 90%
(GDP x Mosca C99) x Bodhi Space Monkey 65%
Rare Dankness Night Terror OG x Bodhi Space Monkey 50%
*interesting to note that before the PRK x C99 x Barney Rubble were crossed to SSDD its female to male ratio were 60%, crossing to the SSDD definitely increased the ratio to a better margin
over the years it seems the pollen chucks that have a very high female to male ratio offer a stronger resistance to stressors that would bring about herm tendencies & are an overall more stable phenotype