214w cfl grow help? PICS!!!


whats up peoples? first off id like to say i love this site. lol.

long story short this isnt my "first" grow. not exactly. Ive grown somewhere around 7 plants now.. lol (growing since may) only one was a girl. killed the rest. lol. terrible luck but its all bagseed. (great bagseed.. mostly named stuff. ie Jherer.. mango kush, maui wowi, NL, etc etc. this seed could be any of those or anything at all.. friend had no idea what it was.. around here we call it "loud" if its good stuff) shrug Ill be back with a proper grow journal but in the mean time i need everyones expertise and help. I Actually only have two questions:

1. Yellowing veins, what does it mean? my leaves are a nice green, and some of my veins are turning red, but other than that plant seems fine. She was an odd one growing though, she was warped and twisted.. weird looking.. i picked her up from a friend and nursed her back to health, but i think she was a mutant anyway she perked up but still looked/ grew funny. Idk how far along i am into flowering now. which leads into my second question:

2. About how far into flowering do you think i am based on the pictures? the plants been under 12/12 essentially from seed. It was planted somewhere around may 1st-12th not sure exactly... and im definitely not sure when it started flowering. im busy so ive been absentmindedly caring for it watering when she looked thirsty / weighing method.. one day i looked and it had baby buds. lol.

Grow info:
4 x 23w 2700k cfl
1 x 68w 2700k cfl
2 x 27w cfl (currently im only using 1 27w.. im tinkering with the others lamp)
MG soil and nutes (hey its working for me...)

what else.. uhm... the grow has sort of been evolving over time ..this lady started out being neglected by my friend (it was a curiosity type grow.. not fully serious) she started in a pot on a window sill...ive added lights over time.. adjusted the grow box... right now she is about 16inches from the top of the dirt. idk what size pot .. 8inch i think. (.. i think its around a 1.5 - 2 gallon pot? idk) no firts besides what was in the dirt.. now that shes flowering ive been giving her MG flowering nutes...

everything i have is from home depot lol

now for some pics.. first up are the issues yellow veins / red stems

what is this ? (refer to question 1)

and based on these how far into flowering would say they are? sorry they are sideways.. they show fine on my computer.


andddd BUD p0rN!!! lol



if you were curious what my grow room was like.. here you go. the first pic shows the two others i have going.. no idea what im gonna get out of them lol.


any help appreciated. THANKS..


Well-Known Member
looks like 2-3 weeks into flower..........................you grew that from seed? looks like you grew it from a flowering clone


Na i would say 5-6 weeks into 12/12. You have at least 3-5 weeks left.

I would check your temps, and also slow back on the mg nutes. I think its a bit stressed from heat, and perhaps to many nutes. But it is looking fine, 4-5 more weeks and you should get about 20-30 grams.


Na i would say 5-6 weeks into 12/12. You have at least 3-5 weeks left.

I would check your temps, and also slow back on the mg nutes. I think its a bit stressed from heat, and perhaps to many nutes. But it is looking fine, 4-5 more weeks and you should get about 20-30 grams.
Temps are good i think. Even with everything on for hours it doesn't get above 77f. ambient temps stay around 71.. And the box is open on the front... It's in my closet with a fan blowing directly on cfl so air circulates ... Nutes are half or quarter strength each watering every 2-3 days

looks like 2-3 weeks into flower..........................you grew that from seed? looks like you grew it from a flowering clone
yup definitely from seed. No access to clones where I am. Or at least I dunno anyone

Thanks everyone for replies


So heres a quick update since my last post i have watered her three times. (every two days) each time with quarter strength MG flowering nutes

I have decided to call her Amber Rose.. shes an unknown bagseed of some loud. but this is roughly week 3.. maybe 4 of flowering. based on you guys opinion.

and without further delay 26 pictures.. sorry about sideways ones.. idk why they upload that way i didnt feel like editing/ deleting. these were my faves. couldnt eliminate anymore (there were 200+ pics lol)



another week another monday.

Amber rose has grown! tremendously so. probably due to the updates i have made to the grow room.

I added in another 68w 2700k bulb.. bringing the total to 282w

should i stop feeding nutes now and just water?

ive only been giving her quarter strength nutes every 2-3days (light weight pot method) three weeks is pretty close to harvest..

and as always. pics. as close to HD as possible with my 8mp lol.


and i have a question. wtf is this? lol. its like 3 bud sites in one.. but they havent started yet. they are super fat though.


and what about those tiny buds that are just fat like that but havent sprouted hairs? im getting close to harvest now so.. what do i do about them?

and how should i cure? I can get jars and i am patient.
looks jjus like mine lol kinda weird cuz idk wat type of bud mine is wat is urs? n idk how long into flowering i am either? how tall is it?