220v service to 110 volt outlet panel?


Well-Known Member
Okay I saw one of these units a year or so back and now cannot find one to save my life, can anyone clue me in on this.

Basically its a panel that you plug into your standard 220v dryer/stove service and the panel has something like 8 x 110v standard three prong plugs on it. Has a breaker on it as well.

I need to clean up some wiring and figured this would be a good way to get my LEDs on to the 220 volt service.

Just cannot find the bloody things anywhere.
Ah this is the one I was trying to find.
A search for step-down transformers or voltage converters might help. If you don't want the built in timer and are okay with supplying your own power strip (something high quality of course) then there are cheaper options that don't target growers specifically. Even Amazon has some options that would work, though what you've found looks excellent (just a bit pricey).
Yeah I briefly thought of mcguyvering something with stuff from amazon and eBay, but then thought better , at least not for this component. You are right, it is pricey, I was hoping for about half of that.
don't mcguyver when it comes to electricity mate, if you're unsure pay someone literally are playing with your life if you don't know what you're doing. That said a mate of mine had a custom panel built for what I think you're trying to do. Basically he had I think 30 or 40 A breakers (2 15's or 2 20's) coming off it and ran all his lights from that.
I do know what I am doing (most of the time lol) but my comfort level is with microcomputer electronics, low voltage microelectronics. As a matter of principle I shy away from high voltage stuff. I can build and fix alot of stuff, but you will not ever find me messing with 220. Better to invest in a standards approved product than to DIY on this one.

Maybe if there were some known good schematics that I could run by a commercial electrician. Everything I have found so far is way sketchy.
Its not that hard to do what you are talking about. You need to wire up a sub-panel with a couple of breakers in it. You'd be dividing your 240v line into 2x 120v circuits with several outlets on each. You mount the whole thing on a piece of plywood. You could incorporate a heavy duty timer in one or both of the circuits. The whole thing would plug into your 240v outlet as you mentioned. You probably won't find anything like this for sale online, they generally need to be made. A grow store near me used to sell them, but they were confiscated by authorities as they were not certified.

The main thing is wiring them up to code. An electrician can do this, or if you want to read this thread:


which has a couple electricians on it teaching the basics, and plenty of projects in it similar to yours. The thread covers pretty much any electrical situation you could run into as a grower, and the electricians answering the questions are extremely anal about safety and meeting code requirements.