24/0 light veg, could/should I rest every few days


Active Member
At the moment my plants are on 24/0
This is mainly because I'm impatient and want them to grow, but I've read that plants need rest so I was thinking...
Could I give them 4-6hours of darkness every 3 days or so to rest.
And more importantly would this benefit the plant?


Well-Known Member
I have found that 24/0 will promote shorter plants with tighter node structure but can have adverse effects when switched to 12/12 as stretch can be a problem due to never having a dark period before.

I use 18/6 for veg.

Giving them 4-6hours of darkness every 3 days could case stress or your plant to flower early I wouldnt do anything to crazy like that just cut back to 20/4


Active Member
in an over all grow i think 18/6 promotes faster growth because the root ball is much bigger with a dark period so the plant feeds more once its older


Well-Known Member
ive never seen a difference in the root development of plants under 18/6 compared to 24/0. Just saying.
anyway, people will sometimes compare plants to people and say "well i know i need to rest sometime, my plants must too." but heres the thing-Cannabis, being a c3 plant gathers c02 during photosynthesis and all needed functions the plant needs to do are done. A c4 plant gathers c02 during its dark period so it does need one. it depends on the situation as to whether 18/6 or 24/0 is better imo.


Active Member
Giving them 4-6hours of darkness every 3 days could case stress or your plant to flower early I wouldnt do anything to crazy like that just cut back to 20/4
I cant see how it will induce flowering
What i am suggesting is 2 days of light followed be an 18/6 day, so as far as the plant is concerned it has 66h of light then 6h of darkness a 66/6 if you get me.

66/6 devil plants :twisted: