24/0 or 18/6 for veg

In the night the roots release stuff into the soil to get the microbes kicking. Then the microbes break down organic matter in the soil to provide nutrients for the plant. So if you're in soil with organic amendments you need some dark hours.

Hydro bros talk about going 24/0 with no problems.

With either style night hours can be useful if your plants are small and your lights are bright and they're just getting blasted.
24/0 is fine and dandy. But speaking from RECENT personal experience.

I ran 24/0 for over 3W. I switched to 18/6 a week ago when I repotted. I STG she grows an inch a day in height. Not to mention outward growth. After an 18hr shift my plant is pooped. So I know 24 is just too much.

Do you like napping? Do you think your plant would enjoy a nap?
24/0 is fine and dandy. But speaking from RECENT personal experience.

I ran 24/0 for over 3W. I switched to 18/6 a week ago when I repotted. I STG she grows an inch a day in height. Not to mention outward growth. After an 18hr shift my plant is pooped. So I know 24 is just too much.

Do you like napping? Do you think your plant would enjoy a nap?
This... makes the most sense to me lol. Thank you. I do enjoy a good nap from time to time
i just explained it. C3 plants don't need a dark cycle. so why waste time with a dark period? and plants dont' get "sleepy" like you seem to think.
I'm not the type to argue with you. Our opinions vary. But my plants definitely seem tired after 18hrs.
This... makes the most sense to me lol. Thank you. I do enjoy a good nap from time to time
I'm serious lol

Your plant can only take in so much energy. You CAN run 24/0 but that doesnt mean you should. You can jump off a bridge. Doesnt mean you should. In the end its opinions with lighting. Imo and a lot of people will agree. 18/6 is a very safe bet. And beneficial to your plants most of the time. Good luck with your grow!
I'm not the type to argue with you. Our opinions vary. But my plants definitely seem tired after 18hrs.

I'm serious lol

Your plant can only take in so much energy. You CAN run 24/0 but that doesnt mean you should. You can jump off a bridge. Doesnt mean you should. In the end its opinions with lighting. Imo and a lot of people will agree. 18/6 is a very safe bet. And beneficial to your plants most of the time. Good luck with your grow!
Thanks guys for all the fast input. From the opinions gathered I've decided to go with the 18/6.
I say it all depends on the strain you are growing and where it evolved that determines the maximum hours of continuous light that they can actually handle! And you can pretty much determine that by just watching your plants. Yeah, every strain I have every grown will sooner or later within a single 24 hour vegging period show you that! I will give you a few example... A Iowa Bubble Gum I keep will slightly bend her tops and lower her fans at 15:40, and a White Widow that I keep will do the same thing at 15:55, an then a Kali Mist that I keep will do the same thing at 16:10, and for the last example, a Lambs Breath that I keep will do the same thing at 13:20. Which has taught me that wherever a uncrossed plant originally evolved, or if it was crossed, whatever strain is more dominant in that cross, then where the dominating strain originally evolved, will truly determine how much light that plant needs to live and be happy in a vegetating state!
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If there is anyone here with a VAST knowledge of indoor soil LED grows please let me know. Also in a tent. I have many questions as this is my second grow. The first was 3 years ago