24 hour veg soonest I can flower...pics

24 hour veg, when the soonest I can flower...

Vegging for about two weeks 4cfls 13000 k 36500 k 100 watt equivalent Roots organic soil Germinate in peat pellets They looking really nice little sign of underwater/overwater but still growth every few hours Water once aday Ph 6.5/6.9

When could I start flower I have 150 watt hps with 4 daylight ready for them in a Agromax



Well-Known Member
do not veg for 24 hr. plants need a rest to reset go 18/6 or 20/4 but no more. What size light are you going to flower under will dictate what height you should veg to.


Active Member
Woods is right if you have your plants on a 24hr photoperiod then you really shouldnt flower without switching to 18/6 for a week atleast. But anyway those plants look great but you shouldnt flower those for atleast 3 more weeks.
Iplan on getting rid of males i got shit ton of seeds and just want to veg in shortest amount of time....my tent is the size of a small closet good vertical height about 5ft and 3ft deep


Well-Known Member
Whenever you figure out which ones are the males if they're big enough to be worthy make some ISO hash with em.


Well-Known Member
at about day 13 or so the plants will show their sex when put into 12/12, you can than re veg if you want to.


Active Member
HAHA OH no dont veg for 24-7!... LMFAO ! dont listen to that bull shiot!
They dont know what they are talking about!
MJ only NEEDS sleep to flower!!
As far as when to flower. You can flower as early as you want. Depends on how big you want your plants.
I veg for 4-6 weeks normally on 24/0 light schedule
But I like to grow monsters!


Active Member
HAHA OH no dont veg for 24-7!... LMFAO ! dont listen to that bull shiot!
They dont know what they are talking about!
MJ only NEEDS sleep to flower!!
As far as when to flower. You can flower as early as you want. Depends on how big you want your plants.
I veg for 4-6 weeks normally on 24/0 light schedule
But I like to grow monsters!
First of all guy, me and woods know exactly what were talking about. When you grow a plant at 24 hr photoperiod it is a good IDEA to turn lights to 18/6 for at least a week so you dont throw the plant into shock, which in turn CAN (not always) turn the plant into a herm. And trust me your not the only one that grows on a 24 hr light cycle. You are no exeption with your (monsters) LMFAO. But then again your probably one of those guys that is on this forum to just to stir up shit. Whatever though I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round. Good luck to ya buddy.
Thanks for the info my initial plan was too veg 24 for 14 days then switch to 18/6 for 7 days....here's a pic update lights just switched to 18/6 lastnight more growth...yes.....

Added another 100 watt equivalent bulb daylight all bulbs have reflectors
I also made a little co2 generator



Well-Known Member
HAHA OH no dont veg for 24-7!... LMFAO ! dont listen to that bull shiot!
They dont know what they are talking about!
MJ only NEEDS sleep to flower!!
As far as when to flower. You can flower as early as you want. Depends on how big you want your plants.
I veg for 4-6 weeks normally on 24/0 light schedule
But I like to grow monsters!
There are lots of ways to grow and lots of things to try, but before you shoot your mouth off make sure your brain is loaded. Just because you heard it or read it does not make it so...



Active Member
Thanks for the info my initial plan was too veg 24 for 14 days then switch to 18/6 for 7 days....here's a pic update lights just switched to 18/6 lastnight more growth...yes.....

Added another 100 watt equivalent bulb daylight all bulbs have reflectors
I also made a little co2 generator
Sounds like a plan thats gonna work!!! Those babies look good!!!

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
im not lookin to start an argument with a fellow grower...cuz we r all in it for the same sweet smokey reward, but 24hour light vegg is IMO the best. if u havent done a side by side comparison, then u shouldnt speak on the matter. i really really wish i could put up some pics of 18/6 and 24/0 light comparissons @ 2weeks, 4weeks and 6 weeks. the difference is hands down noticable. at 6 weeks the plants under 24 were almost a foot taller, more bushyer and just flat ass better lookin plants. this goes for hydro or soil. ive done them both and compared just for entertainment to see with my own 2 eyes which one grew better. it was a no brainer at the end...24hours light!!!
I think using 24 schedule for a few Weeks is good for building up a lot of energy get them short fat then 18/6 at least one week for the roots to develop then 36 hour dark then 12/12 I water when soil bonne dry with ph'd water and fertilize with mother earth tea the third watering or I examine the plants well and determine what it needs I'm.using all organic until mid/late flowering I'm adding Big Bud advance nutes


Active Member
There are lots of ways to grow and lots of things to try, but before you shoot your mouth off make sure your brain is loaded. Just because you heard it or read it does not make it so...
LMFAO!!! Heard it on here? Sorry bro but Ive been growing since 2007! Im only on here to help other out!
Sure I learn something new from time to time as well! I know how to grow and my end product shows that!
So before YOU go shooting off at the mouth know WHO and what the fuck your talking about!


Active Member
Id post ALL the facts about 24/0 vs 18/6 but honestly these threads occur many times a week!
Use the search feature and the interweb thingy and youll find some answers.
Shit try to a side by side grow!! Maybe then you'll have the wool removed from your eyes!
I was taught by some of the best breeders and growers in Humbolt.
SO keep doing what you do (talking) and Ill keep doing what I do And thats growing some bomb as fire!
Im not some kiddie with CFL's runniing! ... Im EVERYTHING you wish you were!


Active Member
im not lookin to start an argument with a fellow grower...cuz we r all in it for the same sweet smokey reward, but 24hour light vegg is IMO the best. if u havent done a side by side comparison, then u shouldnt speak on the matter. i really really wish i could put up some pics of 18/6 and 24/0 light comparissons @ 2weeks, 4weeks and 6 weeks. the difference is hands down noticable. at 6 weeks the plants under 24 were almost a foot taller, more bushyer and just flat ass better lookin plants. this goes for hydro or soil. ive done them both and compared just for entertainment to see with my own 2 eyes which one grew better. it was a no brainer at the end...24hours light!!!
I think you need to go back and re read all the post noone is knocking 24 hr photo period. I grow ALL my grows under 24 hr photo period. What I said was grow at 24 hr then 18 for a few days then 12. NOBODY said ANYTHING negative towards growing under 24hr. A UNtrained circus monkey knows you can grow bigger plants under 24hr. I think this nasty guy is just some kid that likes drama.


Active Member
Old leave you might need your eyese checked! ... sure seems to me that Woodsmaneh and some of the others are saying not too grow in 24/0! The "Dude are you that fucking stupid" speaks for itself!