24 hr to 18-6 lighting on scrog


Well-Known Member
Hi, im currently on 24 hour lighting 1x600 1x400, doing a 6ftx4ft scrog 4x ppp 2 blue cheese from clones, i had let them get a bit to big before my screen went up, but ive got the screen down at about 11-12 inch from pot, i know theres lots of discussions on 24 hr lighting, what im thinking is as the screen is a new stress to them is it worth cutting back to 18/6, for them to rest a bit or indeed if i can now cut back as they have allways been on 24 hour, also would that then cause more growth, has any one any ideas on this,


Well-Known Member
can anyone shed some light!! i might be missing something obvious, or in the wrong room?? if thats the case please dont hold back, i can take some slander!!

jason morgan

Active Member
i only run my lights for 24/0 for first week after out of humidity dome. then switch 18/6 till flower. like people plants need to rest. if i can remember correctly the lights off help rots grow also.


Well-Known Member
thanks for info, do you know if i could now switch to 18/6 for tha last couple of weeks veg?