24 hrs or 20 hrs of light?


Well-Known Member
i thought once seeds have sprouted you should put them under 24 hours light. i was just going through the forum reading some post and i read a post in the plant problem section that someone suggested using 20 hours of light for seedlings instaed of 24 hours. which is best cause i been running then under lights 24/7 for the last 2 days.


Well-Known Member
24 is fine, 20 is fine, 18 is fine. Very limited differences between them all. Do what works best for you.


Well-Known Member
24....18/6... 16/8 ... 17/7.. I've done them all its just to keep the cycle the same... some will say that 24 is better.. maybe the buds will be a bit bigger, but for the hassles it's just worth it in my case......IMO..


Well-Known Member
24....18/6... 16/8 ... 17/7.. I've done them all its just to keep the cycle the same... some will say that 24 is better.. maybe the buds will be a bit bigger, but for the hassles it's just worth it in my case......IMO..

ok thanks and one other quick question i got a small fan on low lightly blowing on them this ok right? im just worried because they just sprouted should i wait a little longer before turning the fan on or is this ok?


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. a fan is needed.. you can place it so the air blows off a wall if it seems too strong........


Well-Known Member
any is good!! if u have a timer than do it 20/4 nature has night dont forget!! otherwise u could have them under 24/0 with no probs!! both methods are commonly used!! i dont have the experience to know which is better but both are viable options!! i have heard that 24/0 increases chances of females but it could be just a myth!! lets see what others say on this!!


Well-Known Member
The only benefit I know of with 24/0 is a decrease in internodal space, hence perhaps more bud sites, and a shorter stalkier plant...