246 Watt CFL Grow 12/12 from seed 28 day in!


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone

This is my first grow and its some chron ron dizzle bag seed. I had another plant but obviously male preflowers were out and yanked it a week ago.


2x55w 2700k
2x42w 2700k
2x26w 6500k


8" Fan in the box
2x120mm computer fan (intake/outake)


MiracleGro All Purpose
Bettergrow Orchid
FloraNova Bloom
Grandma's Mollases

They've been receiving MiracleGro and Bettergrow for their veg stage. Anyways they are in Espoma's organic potting mix. Didn't mix perlite in, I will next grow. Using this soil because it condenses a lot after a few waterings.


Just got my PH kit yesterday and the plants grew about two inches in those 20 hours. The PH was around 8.0-8.5 and brought it to 6.0-6.5.

Date Log

11/3 Seed put in dirt
11/7 Sprouted
11/? Topped after 4th node (fucked up FIMing into a top...ill take it)
11/22 Male and Female plant show preflowers

Genetics seem good. 3rd node was 5 pronged leaf and 4th node was 7. First set off the top was a 5 and then a 7.

So far it has been 28 days from sprout and I've noticed some ridiculous preflowers on the female that keep scaring me into thinking a hermie. In one of the pictures you can see the female preflower. When i topped the plant the preflower emerged the next day and the lights dried out the pistils and make them brown so they are difficult to see.

Anyways my question is how much longer do you think before the plant will start to shower true signs of flowering? Should I make them go 36 hours dark and then resume normal 12/12 sched? The Plant hasn't shown any definite preflowers since that one with the pistils. But it has been topped since then and just now finding room from itself to grow.

+Rep for any help or constructive criticism.
Tell me what you think of my first grow! :weed:003.jpg011.jpg010.jpg009.jpg004.jpg005.jpg008.jpg007.jpg012.jpg006.jpg

Pic 10 was/is the pistil.


Active Member
plant looks good...its hard to say when itll really start flowering, depends on the strain. but i'd stick with 12/12..i wouldnt go dark for 36 hrs. i've heard inconsistent light schedules will turn one hermie.


Well-Known Member
Thanks newdude for the input. Ill definitely keep it 12/12.

Will high temps cause it to not flower? my temps are around 86* F on the high end. Average is about 82-84.

Anyways I'll keep this updated because I know some people are always interested in how 12/12 from seed goes.


Well-Known Member
Temperatures are indeed a little bit high, ideal would be around 75 so the closest you can get it to 75 the better.

Maybe you could use the intake fan to move air inside the box or as exhaust fan with the other fan. Having some holes will work as passive intake.

Nice grow Grandaddy, I'm subd :) Looking forward to see her flower without any male flowers


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the picture of the plant above did indeed turn male.

Fortunately for you guys, I have a plant that is just about to show signs of sex and also 6 plants at 5 days from sprout.

Also picked up some good bud last night and got some good pics.

I got Purple Romulan, Black Dom, and Jack Herer. Black Dom is gone so I have pics of the other two :joint:

Back to business. I just started LST'ing the plant yesterday and has responded well. I've been giving the plant 1/2 tbsp of FloraNova bloom every other watering twice now. Just trying to get the plant ready for flowering.

The preflowers just started developing last night so it might look like a male right now but the growth has picked up over the last few days and they just started showing so in the next day or so i'll know whats up.

Also being a computer nerd that I am. I found another 120mm fan and an adapter so I might stick another fan in the box for airflow to reduce temps a little more.

Out of the bagseed that I have grown. this is by far the best genetically. Every leaf set has been perfect. No mutations. Maybe this is also because this is the first plant I've grown where the conditions have been closest to "ideal."

Either way, the other 6 plants are from some other bagseed. Got a quad and my guy I got those other nugs from had like a 9 gram nug he gave me and got a few good looking seeds and surely enough 6/6 germ and all sprout within 72 hours.

Happy smoking :joint:

Tell me what you think!
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Well-Known Member
lookin good to me :D to bad it was a male :/ im hoping mine turns out to be a female myself :}


Well-Known Member
Just found another Y connector and got another 26w 6500k and a 23w 3000k just to mix shit up.

Also smoke report on the Black Domina. Smoked it out of a bubbler and didn't even change the water (meaning taste should be bad) and the taste was overwhelming. Was amazing, even the last ashy hit had a great taste.

Ill report back tomorrow to see if the sex has shown.


Well-Known Member
Day 26

planted 12/11 so I think thats 26...

Anyways they have grown a lot since the last picture of a single one i showed you guys.

They are still in 18/6 lighting. I fixed my temperatures and they maintain high 70s and push 80-82 sometimes. Was even able to swap a 42 watt for a 55.

With the lower temperatures came along quicker and better growth. leaves dont have to work so much on not drying out. Anyways I posted a picture of each one.

I tied each one down yesterday and will tighten a few hours after the next watering.

My favorite is the 5th picture. Anyways I have given them nutes twice now. first time was half a tpsn/half gallon. and the second time was barely less than a tpsn/half gallon. Properly PHd. Its every 3rd water so the next time I will give them veg nutes again probably a tpsn/half gallon.

Let me know if you have questions


Dale Cooper

Nice Mine look pretty similiar check out my journal for pics im not sure its a make but looks like one to me. (on my plant)


Active Member
nice looks good...i have been told that vegging them longer under cfl's will also help increase your yield that is the other reason why i vegged mine so long...anyways ima keep tabs on this grow hope it works out