250 hps first time grow


Well-Known Member
So I picked up some dank from a buddy at a super cut price because he said it had seeds in it but that it was still pretty dank bud. So I get a quarter of this dope that's covered in purp and stinks to high heaven but like he said, is actually quite seedy. So I smoke the dope and keep the seeds. A year later I've decided to start a little grow, did some research bought a 250 watt hydrofarm hps/mh light. Kind of broke me so I don't have a mh just the hps bulb. Anyways planted them in topsoil with about 40% perlite then transplanted them when the roots started to circle the cup. Final pot is a 3 gallon bucket with drainage holes in the bottom filled with happy frog soil. Today is there second day of veg slso fed them today aswell. Feed is a 1/4 teaspoon mixed with a gallon of water. Im using floranova. It's half the recommended dose for seedlings figured I'd start out small and work them up. How likely are they to be girls? Since they came from I'm guessing a hermi because it was good bud, yet seedy. But then again I have no idea....that's just my guess. Also, I feel like they are small for 2 weeks, what do you think? Also I can't get my rh above 35, big deal?



Well-Known Member
Well you are probably right about hermie seeds. You're in luck they are likely all female! If they aren't hermie then it's around a 50% male/female ratio. You might have 3 males or 3 females who knows. It's up to the cannabis gods now.


Well-Known Member
Well, first off, welcome to RIU! :)
Your seedlings look like marijuana, that's a good thing ;) j/k
I have to say that the journey you are starting, and learning about, will bring you happiness.

#1 DON'T worry! (about plants, or laws being broken.) "easier said than done, unfortunately."
#2 Wait till whatever pot it's in at any given time, is DRY before watering.
#3 PH your water, if you don't know what that is, its basically some weird bullshit yada yada it's acidic vs alkaline. For soil, you will want 6.0-7.0, hydro is a bit lower.
#4 Don't freak out when any issue or abnormality happens with the plants, (they survive through some pretty fucked up conditions in newbie grows, and in the wild)
as a new grower, you are likely to cause more harm or DEATH to the plant, by trying to solve the wrong problem.
#5 you don't need the best soil, or really any extra nutrients. This shit can grow in almost anything. Granite, correctly applied, Premium soil, and nutrients can yield better results.
#6 You don't need cloning devices to clone cutting's, or gels and shit that can be very expensive. (cheapest, easiest way is to simply put in water cup, or right into soil with luck)
#7 If grown indoors, light spectrum for veg/bloom is different, yet, if only one spectrum is used, use the bloom spectrum for the whole grow, Vegetative stage requires very little, and is much less important in regards to your final product.
#8 Save your money, ESPECIALLY while growing indoors, and add as you go. Have fun with it, but KNOW it does take money, and trial and error.
#9 DO NOT RUSH HARVEST. When in doubt, wait longer. (buy a jewelers loop and wait for the maturity that fits your needs).
#10 DO NOT RUSH CURING. When on a first grow, this stage is often held off on for most of the time, until its time to chop. It is best to know exactly how you want to cure the finished product and have your ducks in a row, well before your plant(s) are maturing.

Last but not least...

#11 Too much attention to your garden, can be a BAD thing. It's best to tend to plants, then only bother them when you need to (watering, trimming, cloning, Examining for sex traits, LST/HST, etc.)

Anyone can feel free to add to this list or question it/dispute it. But it's a quick 1-2 for what i have learned in my first year of growing, and i felt like giving my opinions.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I really only have the room for 2, I kind of want to scrog them cause I only have room to move the light about 2 feet higher, maybe 3. So hopefully I can scrog the little betties and get a higher yield. How many o's do you think I can pull off of 2 maybe 3 plants scroged in my space.


Well-Known Member
Ah! Thanks for all the info man, it's my first grow and I do find myself always wanting to peak inside my cabinet, it's like I had to ween myself down to once every 4 hours hahaha