250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder


Hey everyone, this is going to be my log of my first grow.. feel free to offer any advice and please comment on my plants progress :D

I plan on growing organic and only using molasses to supplement my plants. My soil is organic and it is advertised to have enough nutes to last 3-4 months.

-1 large grow box (about 5Hx2Lx1D)
-4 67 Watt CFL's; all 4 bulbs are 2700k. = 268 watts total
-1 12v PC fan for intake
-1 small cabinet fan for exhaust
-2 12v fans blowing on plants (air flow)
-1 activated carbon sheet (for smell)

March 14: I germinated 2 Feminized Autofower Afghan Kush seeds from Attitude Seed Bank.

March 16: Both of my seeds have sprouted

March 16-31: I have had steady growth so far. I did have a little scare though, I transplanted both seeds into bigger containers in my grow box and I believe one of my plants had slight root shock and a nute deficiency

15 days since sprout
The one I believe suffered root shock: his bottom leaves were very droopy and yellow the other day... looks like he is healing

The other guy: nice and green! very tall!!

Day 18

both plants are getting bigger, however the one is still yellow. I got a bottle of superthrive and put a few drops of it in my water/molasses mixture. I might have put a little too much, but I wont be using this stuff every time I water. I only used about 1 cup of water for each plant, so I don't think it will harm them at all.

day 20

Overtop view

Shes looking big!

added a very little bit of superthrive to some water yesterday and a dab today... hows she looking?



Well-Known Member
That superthrive is gunna fuck up your plant if u use too much I know one guy who does a drop every gallon and other people who only use it when transplanting how are your temps with those 68w I know they get Hott as shit looks good sir


yea I defiantly added too much superthrive to my gallon of water, but its not a big deal because I only gave it a little and I wont be using it every time I water

temps are running on the high side, about 80... when my box is fully closed and sealed it goes up a few degrees.. I'm ordering another exhaust fan to help with this problem


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants and no need for intake fan, just leave it open, it will generate negative pressure and you should see your temps go down a lil bit, that's what I did with my box..I had a intake fan and it wasn't doing it much so I took it off and baaaam I can feel the air being sucked into the box and my temps really went down from high 80s to steady 76-79.5f with the lights on and around 67-68.5f with the lights off just my 2 cents ;)


Nice looking plants and no need for intake fan, just leave it open, it will generate negative pressure and you should see your temps go down a lil bit, that's what I did with my box..I had a intake fan and it wasn't doing it much so I took it off and baaaam I can feel the air being sucked into the box and my temps really went down from high 80s to steady 76-79.5f with the lights on and around 67-68.5f with the lights off just my 2 cents ;)
oh crap I'm gonna try this.. I don't even feel it doing anything, its just there. Do I cover the hole when I pull it out? or should I leave it open?

Love your PC fans...Work with what you got and can afford...Kool:weed:
haha thanks man.. it was a fun little project


Well-Known Member
oh crap I'm gonna try this.. I don't even feel it doing anything, its just there. Do I cover the hole when I pull it out? or should I leave it open?
The intake hole should be almost at the bottom, bcuz cold air is heavier then warm so it stays near the floor and the exhaust should be rite on top, if you take the intake fan out leave it open but you should think about a light trap or something to stop the light leaking, you can use two 90 degree pvc elbows painted flat black on the inside and that would the trick.

DSC04867.jpgjust to give you rough idea.


Day 24!

Both girls are doing good, one has started to flower (the bigger one) and when I put my nose close it smells like weed haha

this is her:

close up:

Here is my other girl, she isn't very bushy, however she is about an inch taller then the one showed above.. does she look ok?

here is them both together (ignore how high the lights are, I usually move them a few inches away from the girls):

how does everything look? should I be worried that my weird growing plant wont produce much bud? ...

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I'm a newbie, but they seem to be a little young to guess how much bud. I'm still researching lighting and nutes. Looks good so far. We'll start with 4 plants in a 7X7 area.
Keep us posted on your progress.


Well-Known Member
so you got around 17,000 lumens in that bitch at 264 watts you should add maybe two 23watt 6500k to balance out your spectrum but im thinkin maybe a zip per plants depending on how long you veg, if your gunna lst top and scrog you could get more. i would scrog in that since its only the two plants and you dont have to move anything around to water


Well-Known Member
Simple way would be to buy chicken wire and cut to fit and let te plans grow through it, it's the same theory when you see like the plant shaped in animals and they have the mesh screen to grow through so you do a scrog the plant grows through it at an even later canopy


I went to bed last night and Righty (her name lol) was like 3-4 inches away from my CFL's.. well when I woke up she was touching them and she was even growing around my lights. So I moved my lights up a few inches... I just checked her again and this is what I see:

she is getting so big! why is she getting so tall compared to my other girl (lefty)

here's a close up of her

Lefty is flowering so much more than righty (I think shes a few days behind).. but does righty look healthy?


Well-Known Member
Back off on how close those bulbs are they are Hott as hell, your plants honestly look stresed from heat and need water, they should be perkin up towards the light not droopy