250w 6400k envirolite


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im not a cfl guy but have been thinking about using them for veg.If you knowwhere to get some at price let us know.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Just figured out why so cheap..A 200 watt cfl usually puts out over 13000 lumnes so that big bulb is half the smaller ones:spew:


Well-Known Member
Just figured out why so cheap..A 200 watt cfl usually puts out over 13000 lumnes so that big bulb is half the smaller ones:spew:
I don't think I know what you mean "that big bulb is half the smaller ones". Envirolites, which I'm shocked someone found for $24 are great fluorescent bulbs. A 200 watt envirolite puts out 12,000 lumens, nowhere close to HPS but the spectrum of the envirolite uses energy more efficiently. The bulb we are talking about here is designed for growth in the flowering stage which means a lot more of those 12,000 lumens will be used for photosynthesis as opposed to HPS, not to mention you can keep them 2" from plant tops. Please don't get me wrong, I don't need anyone going off on a rant about how much better HPS are I understand that, all I'm saying is envirolites are very efficient. So...where are these $24 envirolites? haha. Peace


Mr I Can Do That For Half
No Im saying as in the big bulb that 250 is a biiger watt then a 200 watt but the 250 bulb with "biger" watts then a 200 you said was only giving 6700 lumnes which is half the amount of most 200 watt cfl bulbs.Im looking in a magazine right now at the big 200 watt cfl grow bulbs that put out 13000 lumnes but the price is $89.I was just saying the particular bulb you found wasnt outputting many lumnes compared to 200 watt cfls I see for sale.Im an hps guy but if I could cut the energy for my MH veg stage by using these more energy effient bulbs Id be interested since the veg stage is lot more forgiving to light then flower stage.Thats all