250w or 400w?


I am using a spaced about 2 ft wide 3 feet long and 6 feet tall. I am only looking to grow 2 plants. I thkn im going to go with the convertible sunburst. What would you suggest?


This is my first grow. Im using a sectioned off part of my closet in the basement. The basement is always on the cool side. Do you think a fan pointed at the 400w would be enough because I cant run an exhaust.


Well-Known Member
What is your target harvest range? a 250 can get ya a qp no problem and will stay considerably cooler than a 400. I got a 250 and it does everything I need but I kinda want a 400 now just for the hell of it but my area would need more cooling if I did that. I guess you will always want more light lol.


Well-Known Member
I ran a 400 in a bedroom closet that was open to the rest of the room. I had four computer fans attached to the light reflector and it worked fine. The space I grew inside (mylar walls) was about the same size as you have and I grew 2 plants. I did veg the plants a long time so they were quite large by the time I went 12/12. I was happy I went with the 400 HPS as I could get bulbs at homedepot. I used homedepot bubs for veg and then switched to a better bulb for flower. Anyway I would vote for the 400 but if your space can't sink the heat, like a concrete floor for instance, you may have heat issues. hmm, I'm ramblin' .... hehe. good luck.