25x15 room exhaust question


so i live in the upper midwest and have a 25x15 room in my basement that is sealed off to the rest of the house. tell me what kind of ideas you have for me for exhausting if i use the whole room. i was thinking of cutting a whole in my foundationabout 12-16" under the ground but above the frost line and running a lets say 25 ft trench and laying exhaust venting to exit under my deck. during the winter hot air is easly visable but if its running through 25ft of pipe that is under frozen ground then exiting i am thinking it might be enough to cool it so it wont just be a constant plume of air coming out from under my deck. either that or just run a straight exhaust out that looks like it is a dryer exhaust vent. anyone have any ideas? i dont really have any close nieghbors at all.
iwoudlnht worry about the winter plum of exhaust unless you are hard core commercial. i have 1k's and no exhaust can be seen in the winter, I checked at -20F and nothing what so ever.


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem I vent a 400w about 6' to the outside. The air is very warm when it hits the outside.