29 days into 12/12


Well-Known Member
durga mata paradise seeds,
vegged 30 days in 2 gal coco pots hand watered lucas formula

vegged 8 seeds under 400 w hps
flowered 7 females under 2x400w hps
choped 1 female soon as it sexed and made it into clones. (only had room for 6...well room for 4 but im pushing six lol)

i toped them 10 days or so be for flowing, after 3 internodes on main stem

then 18 days into flower i cut off the lower 2 main branches and a few more horizontally growing branches. cuz the plants were growing into each other, and getting damaged when i would pull them out to water.

anyway here is some pics of buds 29 days into 12/12

srry its in bad lighting :( i put sun glasses over the camera phone lense to help lol



Well-Known Member
nice looking girls... 800s for 6 plants... nice.. . youll get some big buds off of that.. im almost 35 days into flowering myself... check out my journal if you want... im using HO floros for flowering... will be investing into some HPSs tho as soon as i have the funds to finish my grow room... im subscribed.. gonna watch the rest of your grow.. do you know how long of a flowering time this strain has??

keep up the good work...