

Well-Known Member
So yeah, I figured Id do a trip report from last night. Ill start by my experiences with 2C-E in the past then go in to last nights roller coaster.

So this is probably about the eighth time taking 2C-E all ranging from 10-20mg.

10mg- Very energetic, not much for me very easy to handle. Not much for visuals accept for everything breathing.

15mg- For me this was just about the same as 10mg.

17mg- Only difference is a more expanded mind and slight patterns around pictures when focused on.

20mg- Now this is where the fun began. Excellent visuals. Absolutley amazing.

Last night.

10:30-I dosed 25mg of 2C-E(liquid). I sat down and rolled about 15 cigarettes and had a bowl packed. I decided I was going to stay in that night and just watch tv.

12:00-Normally by this time I already have the "Jittery legs" As I just take it as excess energy. But nothing really. A little head change but nothing major.

12:30- I decide to help speed up the process and start hitting my pipe. Still havent found something to watch but settle on "That 70's Show" This was the beginning of my roller coaster ride.

12:45- I first start noticing the "difference" I love 2C-E because it comes on real smooth. The first thing I notice is the increased size of everything. My coffee table look quite tiny but my huge fish tank was enormous. I stood up to pick what lights I wanted on through out my house. I find it more weird if im sitting in one room and then walk in to dark rooms. Different setting different emotions.

1:30- Still puffing on my pipe, the visuals are a constant change. My moods are the biggest influence on this trip as it changed with the emotions of characters on the show. I started finding the little things about certain girls in the show that related to my current relationship. Which was pleasant but the other traits of the women would turn my emotions around noticing the differences and the strangness .

2:00- My known fear that has been set in place since my first 20mg experiment. Mirrors. Horrible. I finally had to go to the bathroom. I find it hard to urinate on this chemical. Constantly distracted and forever watching the changes as the toilet changes from a clean white to a dirty cracked version to a stone granite like material. But to get to the toilet I must walk by the huge bathroom mirror..which is instantly terrifying even stepping in to the bathroom. I walk by the mirror and could barley see out of my perifeals but could feel the burning look as myself in the mirror looks like a totally different person..Scary, everytime. I could feel the burning stair just seeing the stranger standing in the mirror with his face changing to another someone that wasnt me. I find it very disturbing, and only have experienced this on 2C-E and mirrors.

3:30 Just back on the coach watching tv again, back on the roller coaster. Nothing significant. Except me watching the whole Ace ventura Pet Detective which came on out of no where. Since ive seen this movie I notice every difference. The characters look like dolls and a lot of times like stick figures with forever changing colored clothes.

500- Married with children comes on. Now im not peaking anymore, the visuals are still there and the emotion changes are still there just a wee bit less intense. I never really ever seen this show but I was struggling to tell if ted bundy is retarded. Slighty to fully. Or somewhere in between. I watched that for 3 hours haha while coming down. Smoking a bout around 630 trying to relinquish some more out of my trip. But eventually just made a pot of coffee and been up ever since.

Thoughts in general about 2C-E.

I feel that bad thoughts or bad feelings are easily changed by the power of your mind. Meaning "I" can get my mind off of something that is found to be troubling or upsetting. I like this because it makes you believe that you wont forget you took something and the ability to pull yourself into a happy place before you get sucked in to a mind fuck. Normally I wouldnt be watching tv but I dosed out of boredom and hey tv is amazing while tripping, I just feel that my emotions where easily controlled by any single character that was on the screen talking for more then 5 seconds. Different emotion with every different scene change. I honestly loved that feeling of the constant change and did not want to stop. I could have redosed but Ill leave that for another day.

I know this is such a poor trip report. Sloppy and not thought out just sat here and typed. But there arent enough trip reports here. I'd like to see more.


Well-Known Member
We should get a moderator to stickey a trip report thread, no comments just report after report.

Glad to hear you had a good time, I was scaling some 2c-I for a friend and some dropped on my table so I mopped it up with my finger, probably like 7mgs, so I had a very threshold time last night, good none the less and a burn out like never before!



Well-Known Member
Yeah im excited to try 2C-I but not sure if I will like it more than 2C-E. Thats the best part of it. Gotta catch'em all.

RC Maniac

New Member
LMAO, awesome, great report. If your into a more psychedelic substance, 2C-E's your winner. If your into a more laid-back trip then you'll love 2C-I. If your relatively new to psychedelics then they'll all blow you out of the water. :-D


Well-Known Member
We shall see. I want something with more visuals and perhaps a longer duration. Wonder where I will find that...


Well-Known Member
Ahh this is whyI dont do trip reports..maybe its a rushed shabby one but no ones ever stays on top. Or even close =\.
I wish there was a trip report section. I'd be writting them a few times a week haha.

RC Maniac

New Member
Talk in PM's everyday yah no. That way the talk is private and if you trust the person vendor sources can be exchanged alot more freely. Feel me?