2C-I info?


Active Member
Hey people, I'm new here but I post on many forums including drugs-forum, phantasytour, etc. I have started dozens of threads for months and searched all over, but I can't find anywhere to get 2C-I. I've found a couple of sites which were bogus (one of which scammed me) and I was really looking forward to trying this.
On all other forums no one will give me any info. If anyone can give me a link or direct me to a LEGIT RC vendor I would be very happy.


Well-Known Member
2c-i is cool, don't do alot of it or even small amounts repetitively. It is has a kind of edge to it that some people like but it has my CNS pretty messed up. Its speculated that the iodine molecule doesn't get metabolized by the receptor and is stuck floating and stimulating. I have had very horrific HPPD for the last months, mad tracers, staticy-snowy vision, mild CEV's and breathing n' creeping walls and textures. It definitely isn't a bad thing but it is definitely distracting. I haven't done drugs since then 'cept herb and one low dose LSD, that I really hope wasn't a DOx. Anyway sorry for jacking the thread just had to share.


EDIT: Oh, yeah. Don't ask for sources on a public forum no one will answer open armed. But does this help at all..... www.google.ca



Active Member
Thanks for your response. I know that people hesitate to answer in a public forum, thats why I listed my email address. I dont know any other way to find it. Ive searched all over the internet and asked in plenty of forums, but they all say that same thing. Im not a narc.

im not asking to publicly list your source on the internet, maybe just email it to me and share the love



Well-Known Member
Look i have got about 6 sources all with various chemicals, some repeat, between 6 and 15 each. I found 5 of them in one day, the other I found WAAAAYYYY!!!! before, but just didn't order because I knew there had to be better prices. Any way just be diligent, if someone shares its because the universe, or god or what ever wants you to have it, otherwise it won't be available until its time.

Good hint, don't discredit anything merely because its in a weird or hard to find spot, generally the best sources are. If you want to message me a source I can verify if I have used or have heard anything about: [email protected]



Oracle of Hallucinogens
You guys should seriously not be putting your email on a thread.. cause ya kno, law enforcement NEVER visits websites like these...


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Oh, if law enforcement never visits, I feel free to now post my e-mail address:

[email protected]
So you're the one who stole my email address.. ya kno, if you had asked nicely I would have shared it with you!

I'm never going to give a source to a person who signs up with no intention of staying.

If you just signed up to get a source all I have to say to a person like that is fuck off....
I'd +rep you again.. but im not able to (guess it's the thought that counts, eh?)


Well-Known Member
he's trying to trade torrent site invites for an rc source.

we should sign him up for daily gay midget porn or something


Active Member
I never said I just signed up to get sources and am not staying. But after some of these responses maybe I will. Its funny about the stuck-up people who post on forums "I have a source but will not share because I am better than you"

Just asking for help, because I imagine a lot of people were told about their sources and many didnt find them themselves. People mentioning google - that was the first thing I did. The only ones I found on google are not legit.


Well-Known Member
I'm not better than you because I have sources.
I'm better than you because I can properly use google.
and don't have to register with a weed growing site to ask for RC sources, while posting an email address in my very first post.

Make a first post like this on any site on the internet and responses will be eerily similar.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I'm not better than you because I have sources.
I'm better than you because I can properly use google.
and don't have to register with a weed growing site to ask for RC sources, while posting an email address in my very first post.

Make a first post like this on any site on the internet and responses will be eerily similar.

I never said I just signed up to get sources and am not staying. But after some of these responses maybe I will. Its funny about the stuck-up people who post on forums "I have a source but will not share because I am better than you"

Just asking for help, because I imagine a lot of people were told about their sources and many didnt find them themselves. People mentioning google - that was the first thing I did. The only ones I found on google are not legit.
You do realize if you were affiliated with a law enforcement agency, that by giving you a source we may be jeopardizing the source that we use. Ever heard of Operation Web Tryp? I have, I have seen sources fall, you apparently were not there for that.

If you used google and didn't find a legit source, maybe you should rethink doing rc's.. you apparently are not ready for their use.


Well-Known Member
Not to get defensive but I don't think them(LEO) having a source is going to result in a mass shutdown like in '04. Even if they did have a URL, these sites are selling legitimate chemicals for legitimate purposes, most of them anyway ;) . Which I doubt could be used against them. Also I am based in Canada as well as about 2/3 of my sources, not likely grounds for extradition even if they(LEO) were able to muster up some kind of case and then on top of that I made a hushmail account simply for RC's, and as we all know, HUSHMAIL is INVINCIBLE!!!11!!!!1 Hahaha.

I'm pretty much a master at being cautious, as well as fairly adept with most trains of thought. I wouldn't worry about me , but I would rush to avoid asking questions regarding to free source information, just reprehensible.

Mr. KushMan., I'm afraid most of the things you listed are untrue.

They will very likely pull another WebTrypt in the future.

Most vendors sell at least one substance that is illegal in the U.S. and they all ship to the U.S.

The Vast majority of these substances are Analogs which would be used against them.

If the DEA built up their case well and there was likely a death to go behind it, I believe Canada would have a good probability of extraditing.

Hushmail is obviously far from 'invincible' and has built up a very consistent reputation of handing over archives of their members E-mails at the request of law enforcement agencies.


Active Member
sorry. I realize That was a dumbass move on my part, im just getting frusturated. ive searched google many times people, said it a couple of times now. Google has plenty of phony sites to buy RCs and after checkin their legitimacy either by asking around, a website like und****ed, or from common sense, I avoid them. I've found one that has been used by many and proven to be legit had to use google canada (which I didnt think of)

Sorry for coming off like an ass, Its just hours of searchin the internet with no luck is quite frusturating and im not very patient.


Well-Known Member
Mr. KushMan., I'm afraid most of the things you listed are untrue.

They will very likely pull another WebTrypt in the future.

Most vendors sell at least one substance that is illegal in the U.S. and they all ship to the U.S.

The Vast majority of these substances are Analogs which would be used against them.

If the DEA built up their case well and there was likely a death to go behind it, I believe Canada would have a good probability of extraditing.

Hushmail is obviously far from 'invincible' and has built up a very consistent reputation of handing over archives of their members E-mails at the request of law enforcement agencies.
While you are right they may have a strong case to make these drugs illegal and convict the exporters of that drug.

You are confusing the issues, we are talking about the small amount of chatter regarding these substances and their vendors being used as evidence in a drug enforcement-policy shutdown, where as you are talking about the companies sending illegal or potentially illegal drugs to the US and the possible relevant data that bring to light.

While your right that the chatter can be used to intercept the companies dealings with deceased, or even the companies identity. The chatter on public forums wouldn't be enough to provoke a shutdown like we saw in 2004, nor would it burden.

Clearly you missed the glaring attempt at original sarcasm, I know hushmail along with all other sites would hand data over. It is part of the cost of doing business, but as well they would need to be subpoenaed, so its not like just hand it over.

On a side note I saw a documentary on google and it was talking about their data being handed over to the law and that at any one time around the world they are dealing with 13.000 court orders for data.
