2ft x 5ft x 5ft - Requirements


Active Member
So i am converting my airing cupboard into a grow room with the size of 2ft x 5ft x 5ft. I was just wondering as too what requirements i would need in the way of:

  • How many watts would be suitable for this space?
  • How many plants I could fit and what the estimated yield would be providing it is an average grow.


  • What heating issues will i be looking at in this type of space?
  • What would be the cheapest way to provide my grow room with intake/outake fans.

The walls are painted white to hopefully provide a high level of reflectivity of the light. Bare in mind i am just aiming or a simple grow setup so i am just looking advice for the basics to get me set away before i start perfecting my grow with minor neccessities.

Thanks for your time and thank you for anyone who can provide me with any assistance.


Well-Known Member
A basic rule of thumb, is 50W/sf.
With a cabinet with that much head room I'l like to go hid (2 - 150 or 250w), but there will be a greater heat issue. A 4' - 4 or 6 bulb T5 fixture would be a good choice. You will get much better light coverage with a tube fixture over a cfl.
Light is the easy part, but ventilation and light tight will be much bigger issues for you.

1st - Are you concerned about odor? If so you will need a carbon filter and a real inline fan.
2nd - If not then you just need enough air to keep things growing. 4 or 5 computer fans will pull enough exhaust air. So you'll need a passive intake, that won't allow any light in (same with the exhaust). Light evasion will be your biggest hurdle in a cab. Trust me 12 hrs of DARK is critical.

Best of luck


Well-Known Member
I have a box the same size...2x5x5 I use a 400hps in a homemade cooltube...a carbon filter and S&P td100X fan for exhaust..2 passive 4" intakes...I do have AC for when it gets over 80F but never gets past 85F with AC off... as far as how many plants, well my box is for autoflowers and I do 3tubs with 6 plants each in 2gal pots and get 6-8oz a tub...heres a few pics none of my box persay but the goodies it makes..


Active Member
No odor won't be a problem for me as it is in a unused bedroom... plus the idea of a cannabis scented air freshener seems quite appealing to me :P lol so i have decided on a 250w HPS and may create a small D.I.Y veg room in the future but for now i want to concentrate getting the grow room up and running. What is going to be the cheapest way to ventilate my room? keeping it dark wont be a problem as iti is already a dark room and i will have my 12 of during the night time too.
Could anyone point me in the right direction as to what would be the cheapest source of ventilation e.g. computer fans that could be put into thewooden cupboard door to provide an intake and ottake panel so to speak?
Hey buddy,
I am also growing in a cabinet of the same dimension. I'm a noob so please take what you can from this. I look forward to following your progress, perhaps run your build on thread. Hindsight's a bitch so make sure you think of how it should go together, so you don't have hole patches like me. I would use 6" inline fans as they are cheap and move a good amount of air. Numbers will depend on size. I run a 400 cooltube but i do have heat issues in summer. More cfm's would solve heat issues. I have 3 which I top numerous times and put through a metal screen with 2" squares, scrog style takes advantage of every inch of the cabinet. I would go cool tube if possible.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
i use a 600 with air-cooled hood, with 6 in inline fan in a 2x5x6 foot space with no probs. only issue with 5' tall room is going to be plants can get too tall same as pretty much any other indoor space. cool-tube def takes up less vertical room than other hood designs. cheapest vent fan i can think of is the target/walmart voronado knockoff type fans( can rip the stand off and make a housing with cardboard, tape, ducting...). I don't know much about comp fans.


Active Member
cooltube would be ideal but unfortunately im on a budget so i am just going to use a 250w and try and produce the best i can possible. Ventilation is going to be the main problem for me. Would an intake and outtake bathroom fan fitted into the door of the cupboard be suitable? Along with an air circulating fan inside the cabinet aimed towards the light to keep it as cool as possible?

Anyone have any ideas on the cheapest way to ventilate this cupboard space better for cheap?

I shall be making a grow thread as soon as I have the setup done. It will be 4x black skull seeds Jack Herrer and 1 x unkown bag seed could range from something lovely to something rubbish that i have bought lol and 1x pot of gold hopefully if it cracks, only the jack herrers are feminised though. Should be a good grow hopefully if all goes well :)
If you are going into winter you will have the best chance with temps. 6" inlines are $40AU, but I'm sure the bath fan you speak of will work.I'm always chasing more cdma tho. When i was using fluros I created a cool tube/barrier using perspex, and venting the light area.


Active Member
Yeah thats what i have done, i aim to get a grow journal up soon and take some pcis of it when my babies get a bit bigger. Only have 4 blackskull Jack Herers and 1 Blue pyramid.

Should be good they are coming along nicely and have no heat issues when they are on for 18hours so all should be good.