2nd grow a lil help plz


Well-Known Member
ok well i haqve my second grow going , last 1 went a lil wrong and go coguht, ( not by the cops dont worry) lol, well any way im back and i have a seedling, i wanted to know if i could just have my lighting all over teh plpace like nto have it set to like 18 -6 or 24/0, just for a week then put it in 12 / 12 or could i jsut make it 12/ 12 now because i dont want big plants and im not looking for a killer grow jsut a lil supply, and i want my plants to b as short as they can b


Well-Known Member
I'm glad everything cool from the po-po's,but as for your plant,if its at least 12" you can put it on 12/12.


Active Member
yeah like the reply above says you can have it in 12/12 the whole time, they yield will be just ok though. if you keep switching up the light cycle you might end up with a hermie


Well-Known Member
how bad is a hermi like alls it is is a plant that can breed with it self riht, it still makes bud right?,liek i said im not looking for a killer plant or killer bud just a lil sumthing for mi self and some friends


Active Member
Hey Miko, A hermi is just as likely to pollenate the female flowers as a separate male plant (as far as I know) Im on my first grow, and Im also going for very small plants so we can keep an eye on each others grows and compare notes!. My plants will be in soil a week on monday, and thats when I plan to go 12/12.