2nd grow just need reasurance. PICS

So this is my second grow and the last hasn't finished flowering yet. It's a kush of some sort bag seed. they are in 3 gal pots with a 1/3 local biodynamic compost mix 1/3 potting mix 1/3 pro mix. mulched with hydroton balls. fed with fish emulsion because i'm worried that the natures nectar nutes aren't doing well. they vegged for 48 days under a 250w compact floro and a 4 x 2ft T5 fixture with some compact floro side lighting. I have tried the low stress training method and am pretty happy with it. I put them into flower today under a 600w HPS. i put them in due to time constraints at the location so was worried if it was too soon. here's some pics let me know if things look ok and if it was ok to flower them. Also if it really is a kush what is the flowering time like on those. Thanks in advance everyone! I've been lurking and learning for quite a while now and am ready to share.IMG_2930.jpgIMG_2941.jpg


Yeah bro have no worries, they could have had more time in veg but as they are is fine. you should have a pretty good harvest. and as for the kush thing im not to sure but i know that what you have is definitely a hybrid I'm seeing both characteristics for harvest time if your not to sure you can always tell when your plant is ready for harvest by the thc color, it is time for harvest when your thc is turning an amber color. if you harvest when the thc is still clear you will get a more sativa effect sense you have not given time for the cbn to produce. and vice versa if you let it turn super amber you will get a more indica narcotic stone feeling.