2nd Grow Papaya/Mango & Lightning strike


Well-Known Member
this is my second grow first was diesel ryder which turned out ok diddnt dry and cure properly cuz i was to eager to get my smoke on lol but enought about that.

For this grow i have planted 6 seeds mix of lightning strike and papaya so i dont know which is which. got 2 plqnts in 10ltr pots and 2 plants in 15ltr pots (i think their 25ltr) and 2 in really little pots which i will need to transplant soon. im using a 400watt MH lamp bio bizz all mix soil and tap water at a ph of 6.8 will be using bio bizz nutes next water have not used nutes yet.

Humidity is a round 30 - 40 which i know is not ideal but im working on it lol. if you notice on one of the pics one plants leaves tips are turning down i would like if someone told me how to fix this problem but i dont think it is a major concern yet.

PLants are at day 23 now will probley start to flower in 1-2 weeks from today depending on how i feel.

But whish me luck and ill keep posting




Well-Known Member
they look good man. you should label your pots so you know from now on...always nice to know which you prefer for future grows and shit.


Well-Known Member
this is my second grow first was diesel ryder which turned out ok diddnt dry and cure properly cuz i was to eager to get my smoke on lol but enought about that.

For this grow i have planted 6 seeds mix of lightning strike and papaya so i dont know which is which. got 2 plqnts in 10ltr pots and 2 plants in 15ltr pots (i think their 25ltr) and 2 in really little pots which i will need to transplant soon. im using a 400watt MH lamp bio bizz all mix soil and tap water at a ph of 6.8 will be using bio bizz nutes next water have not used nutes yet.

Humidity is a round 30 - 40 which i know is not ideal but im working on it lol. if you notice on one of the pics one plants leaves tips are turning down i would like if someone told me how to fix this problem but i dont think it is a major concern yet.

PLants are at day 23 now will probley start to flower in 1-2 weeks from today depending on how i feel.

But whish me luck and ill keep posting

uh...those look fantastic. can you tell me the date you planted, conditions, seedling maturity, etc.

I have a few Mango in my current crop...with 5 other strains. they are also in 10L planters, 2 for each, the buddy system, lol.
they went into soil on 1/19 as tiny seedlings, @5days old...
but mine don't look at all like yours...size wise...wtf! lol
either you're doing something really right or I'm doing something really wrong! or not 'right' enough...

is that 'Satan Clause' or 'Santa Claws'? rofl



Well-Known Member
they look good man. you should label your pots so you know from now on...always nice to know which you prefer for future grows and shit.
they were mixed up when i was germin in the paper towl lol unfortuantly but the Papaya is ment to be very Mango Smelling i think so maby i can tell the difference when i start to flower


Well-Known Member
uh...those look fantastic. can you tell me the date you planted, conditions, seedling maturity, etc.

I have a few Mango in my current crop...with 5 other strains. they are also in 10L planters, 2 for each, the buddy system, lol.
they went into soil on 1/19 as tiny seedlings, @5days old...
but mine don't look at all like yours...size wise...wtf! lol
either you're doing something really right or I'm doing something really wrong! or not 'right' enough...

is that 'Satan Clause' or 'Santa Claws'? rofl
LOL definitly santa claws,

i started germination on 1/14/09 and planted on 1/16/09 i thinkn they sprouted the next day im giving them 16/8 light and just PH'ed water and a good breeze, i dont think its that ur doing something wrong it just takes a bit of time for them to grow i know some guy who grew them for a month and were only around 5 inches tall so that take a while to start out with but the will shoot up. But around 2-3 days after i had transplanted into the10ltr pots the roots were coming out of the bottom so they take up alot of root space lol

Anway gd luck with your grow and keep me informed on how its cuming along dude best of luck :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I think the Mango/Papaya don't have that until you smoke em...the smell/flavor, that is...

well, I know my plants are doing well, maybe not as well as yours or others, but good.
and maybe doing 6 strains, in stages(group 1 planted 1/12, group 2 planted 1/16-19, group 3 planted 1/23),
may be more difficult to do than just one strain at a time, lol.

some other strains...
THC Bomb\3
Jack Herrer\10

and some Super Silver Haze(no photo)\5
stop by my journal...give me tips n shit.

see my lighting arrangement here...pretty kool stuff

is this your journal? well, I'll keep looking in...



Well-Known Member
my big blue humidifyer just stopped working yesterday night so thats pissed me off a bit but ive ahad to revert to my old tiny yellow one but its keeping the humidity at a level of around 38% sumtimes 40% which i know is not that great but its the best i can do for now.

as for the plants they grew a nother inch today so pleased with that i plan on flowering in maby a week but it all depends on if i got any cash to get a nother hps light other wise im just gonna be vegging till then lol cud be 4ever looking at my bank account .

Another question i know this has probly been asked before but do males produce any THC at all cuz if worce comes to worst comes to worst and their all males then i wanna trya and get sumin out of them.


Well-Known Member
id like to try a variety of strains soon maby my next grow i want to have that varitery im my smoke
yeah, I'm glad I did. some will be sold, but how much of what kind is yet to be decided. more of whichever I like least, that's for sure.
my big blue humidifyer just stopped working yesterday night so thats pissed me off a bit but ive ahad to revert to my old tiny yellow one but its keeping the humidity at a level of around 38% sumtimes 40% which i know is not that great but its the best i can do for now.

as for the plants they grew a nother inch today so pleased with that i plan on flowering in maby a week but it all depends on if i got any cash to get a nother hps light other wise im just gonna be vegging till then lol cud be 4ever looking at my bank account .

Another question i know this has probly been asked before but do males produce any THC at all cuz if worce comes to worst comes to worst and their all males then i wanna trya and get sumin out of them.
I have a real cheapy humidifier/heater/air cleaner, that part don't work for shiiiit. but the other two work well...about $40 US, I think. trying to keep my humidity above 50% atm...it's winter and damn hard to do. the doorjam is so swollen, it's hard to open the door. (one of the few wooden parts in the room)

I won't go into flower until Mar 1st, because I'm waiting for my last batch to catch up. (I planted all of those in 3 groups, LR2&Medibud, THC Bomb&SS Haze &Mango(and they planted over a 3 day period), Jack Herrer was the 3rd group and I want to give them some veg time. but the majority of that stuff will be sold cuz I had so many seed of it.

a mature male has as much THC as a female does...until she starts producing buds. then she pulls way ahead with all those trichs producing THC also.
I vape all my males. some make oil, brownies, hash...cloths, lol, and whatever.
they are not trash!!



Well-Known Member
just a little update cut a couple of leaves of from the bottom cuz they were gittin yellow and would of eventualy dide but i just helped them on their way lol but all seems ok for now here som pics.

enjoy :-P



Well-Known Member
just a little update cut a couple of leaves of from the bottom cuz they were gittin yellow and would of eventualy dide but i just helped them on their way lol but all seems ok for now here som pics.

enjoy :-P
plants are looking good...short, bushy, thick stems, lots of side branches...

come by my journal and see mine...:bigjoint:

here's one, the littlest one, so cute! her sisters are x3 her size!



Well-Known Member
major disaster today the electric went out and fuked up my lighting for sum reason the light would judt not turn back on so went down to me local hydro/head shop and they tested the bulbs, they were working so i thout fuck my Ballests fuked. so ive got the 2 x 250 watt cfl on them for now. so i went back to me ballest tried to sort the problem out i remebered i had a cool tube and maby thought that it might not be the ballest but the reflector hood so i changed the hood to the cool tube and presto back on the light came. i diddnt want the cool tube in their so what i did was swith the fittings around and now ive got my hood back.

im gonna stick the light baqck in tomorw and swith to 12/12 to start flower :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
major disaster today the electric went out and fuked up my lighting for sum reason the light would judt not turn back on so went down to me local hydro/head shop and they tested the bulbs, they were working so i thout fuck my Ballests fuked. so ive got the 2 x 250 watt cfl on them for now. so i went back to me ballest tried to sort the problem out i remebered i had a cool tube and maby thought that it might not be the ballest but the reflector hood so i changed the hood to the cool tube and presto back on the light came. i diddnt want the cool tube in their so what i did was swith the fittings around and now ive got my hood back.

im gonna stick the light baqck in tomorw and swith to 12/12 to start flower :bigjoint:
go check your breakers/fuses at the electric panel, if you didn't already.
I'll switch over Mar 1st, so just a few weeks behind. LST'd two Mangos...just for fun. they're only about 7in/15cm tall anyway. how tall are yours?

nvm, I see...1ft/30cm...nice

ya know, I just counted....mine are about 27 days too..
planted 1\16, how about yours?


Well-Known Member
planted exact same day lol the two biggest are around a foot tall now 2 more are around 8-9 inches and twho little ones are about 6-8 inches. i wud transplant into bigger pots but i aint got the money for extra soil.


Well-Known Member
planted exact same day lol the two biggest are around a foot tall now 2 more are around 8-9 inches and twho little ones are about 6-8 inches. i wud transplant into bigger pots but i aint got the money for extra soil.
kool! Iknow what ya mean, but I'm going to go get a few small bags of soil today. some of the LST'd ladies need transplanting before they get too far into training...especially the Medibud, and they need better drainage too...the sooner the better!


Well-Known Member
i stick some clay pebbels at the bottom of my pots for good drainage
well, I had some stones down there, but it's the top soil that is the problem. I had two types of soil; a heavy type w/lots of clay, sand, soil, and a lighter type w/lots of small gravels, soil and buckwheat hulls. what I did was to mix some and put that just on top of the stones, at the bottom, then put pure light soil on the upper half, or so, of the pot...however, I ran out of the lighter soil and some pots are full of the heavy type...it sux, alone. I'll go get a few little bags later today. the Medibud are in 2.7L pots which are way to small to take to harvest. gonna re-pot them in 10L planters, two plants in each. that ought to do it, I think...


Well-Known Member
they had their first day/night of 12/12 yesterday so they are officially into flowering, hopefully i will be seeing the little white heirs soon instead of hanging ballz lol (fingers crossed)