2nd grow progress, week 5(ish).. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes!


After a successful harvest, even though some pollination occurred, hundreds of seeds were produced, and the buds turned out potent but only "alright" tasting, a second run is under way! Total dried weight was over 300g's off two plants. :shock:

Upgraded to a 1000W Hortilux Eye and Avenger Hood. Got a smoking deal on a Lumatek 400/600/1000W digi balast and finally feel like I've joined the 21st century.

Review - ballast = awesome, hood = meh. Suggestions would be welcome re: hoods..

I've now got hundreds of seeds from two different females crossed with an unknown male. This batch are the surviving clones of the mothers and this particular branch of the tree will see it's end this run.

I've re-visited soil, re-amended the first batch into the new stuff and balanced everything out based on the results of the first run. Results so far are nothing short of awesome. I do feel like I've got a drainage issues however. Top/sides dry out and the plant wilts but also has a permanent "curl" like you'd see with mild over-watering leading me to believe the root ball is saturated while the rest is drying.. I will probably add some perlite/vermiculite to the soil cooking now to help with that going forward.. Tried rice hulls but it may not have been enough.

My camera doesn't do a great job of capturing high detail but I assure you this round is so chock full of sugar it could send a diabetic into insulin shock. That said, i have been battling a few issues along the way and would love some feedback on what you see.

First - a harvest shot. This first batch does smell fairly nice when you crack a jar but is otherwise what I would consider schwaggy. Some buds are chocked full of beans, some are nearly 100% bud - but I can't trust any of them at first glance.

Round 2! All pretty ladies, no pollination here! Can you spot or name the deficiency/pest? Seem to have several things going on here..


Glad to have round 2 under way!!


Well-Known Member
How big are your pots, and roughly how tall and wide are those plants?

That looks to me like a root-zone issue. You mentioned that the top and sides are drying out... Keep in mind that all the life-supporting action of the soil microorganisms comes to a complete halt when they soil gets dry. Also, roots need nearly 100% humidity to remain healthy. The parts of the soil that get bone dry between waterings cannot support healthy roots (it's basically wasted space in your pot). This might not be the cause of your leaf issues, but it's food for thought anyway...

If you describe a little more about what's in your soil, how big the pots (and plants) are, what (if anything) you have given them besides water, any spraying, etc, etc, then I can be more helpful.


How big are your pots, and roughly how tall and wide are those plants?

That looks to me like a root-zone issue. You mentioned that the top and sides are drying out... Keep in mind that all the life-supporting action of the soil microorganisms comes to a complete halt when they soil gets dry. Also, roots need nearly 100% humidity to remain healthy. The parts of the soil that get bone dry between waterings cannot support healthy roots (it's basically wasted space in your pot). This might not be the cause of your leaf issues, but it's food for thought anyway...

If you describe a little more about what's in your soil, how big the pots (and plants) are, what (if anything) you have given them besides water, any spraying, etc, etc, then I can be more helpful.
It's basically subs recipe slightly modified, used rice hulls instead of perlite/vermiculite and locally sourced compost/soil insead of roots or any other commercial variety.. Plants are between 2' and 3' tall under 1Kw HPS.. All are currently in either 3 or 5 gallon geopots with 4 smaller girls in 2 gallon geopots. I'll post up another shot of the whole shebang tomorrow.. Some of them vegged in #2 hard pots, some got an early bump and moved to 3 gal smart pots mid-summer depending on how big they got in veg. but all were transplanted before going inside. The biggest girls went into 4 5 gallon geopots, the next ones went to the 3's, then smaller 2's for the rest. First watering after moving indoors was a transitional AACT tea to bump N,P and microbes (ewc, high N, high P guano's, some alaska humus). Unbeknownst to me i had a bit of a spider mite and white fly problem so I've done a few sprays with Azamax, and one good saturating watering with azamax as well as some good wipe downs. Not sure I'm getting them all but populations are definitely down though quite a few bigger fan leaves are now fairly spotted. I did top once with some ewc/ss about 2 weeks in and added a tablespoon of espoma garden tone (3-4-4) to everyone's pots with yesterdays watering, along with a couple capfuls of FF big bloom and some kelp. so no food from about week 2 until just yesterday.

All these girls started to show pistils and flower under the sun naturally on their own sometime around early/mid aug. and moved indoors just after labor day. I've had a fairly large upright fan which I think was blowing a bit too hard and over-dried the bigger fan leaves so I've raised the airflow to above the canopy, below the lights, with smaller recirculating fans moving air around below canopy level. Seems to have helped.

In my reluctant to water too often I sometimes fear not watering them enough, but once I see them droop or notice the soil is particularly dry i try to give them a good drink. Enough that the catch trays will collect some water (1/2") but the plant wicks it back up within an hour of watering.


Most common issue I'm seeing, a yellow fade on the indica's only leading me to believe it's specific to the variety and not the soil or conditions.