2nd grow


Well-Known Member
this year i have a few that im growing outside. the known strains are pure kush, c4, tahoe og, harlequinn and two others. will post pictures tomorrow. so far the clones arent very big. they spend the day outside then get a few hours inside under cfls to keep them up. holes will hopefully be about 200 gallons although the ground where i am at is extremely rocky.


Well-Known Member
cant post pictures. computer isnt letting me upload them. will be a very small budget for the crop. using recycled soil and compost, worm castings and i have a few gallons with little amounts of guano and emulsion.


Well-Known Member
The only thing good about rocky ground is good drainage. Hope you have a backhoe for those monster holes, cause you're about to build hands of steel !


Well-Known Member
shit i completely agree. the drainage will be great so i wont have buy any amendments for that. as for as building hands of steel. its kicking my ass. i have nine holes to dig. three are already mapped out. they are 5 x 5. im thinking 2 3 feet down should be good enough.


Well-Known Member
this computer isnt working properly still so ill be pposting pictures as soon as possible. i have 3 of 9 holes dug and they are about 5 feet wide and 2 1/2 feet deep. ive been working on screening compost. after the compost ill be mixing in some soil that i got at a friends house. mix in the soil compost, and a few bags of worm castings. as welll ill be making compost tea later today. these holes are a pain in the ass. i think its whats causing my fingers to lock up in the mornings, as well as the sifting of compost. feel free to look at last years grow for any tips i could use.


Well-Known Member
still trying to figure out how to do pictures. i have dug up 5 and am working on the sixth. also cleaning up the area. kickin my ass but its worth it. i only have one little plant that isnt doing well. she kinda went into shock when i got her and transplanted but never came out of it. as for the others they are doing well and the harlequin that were flowering are starting to come out of it. i figured that they could re veg and get what i can. im getting nice fine compost to help amend this dust like soil. im gonna work on finishing the holes and then work on filling the holes evenly with the soil i have.


Well-Known Member
so i have this stuff called gnarly roots. its supposed to contain micorrhizae. i got my seeds today and i put the liberty haze and purple wreck in water. i was wanting to coat the seed after the root pops to help growth


Well-Known Member
try using photobucket for ur photos and copy image code and paste.. :) digging the holes by hand is prolly the worst part of the season imo but is necessary to start off the season. but I normally wouldn't put ANYTHING on my seeds/seedlings until they get size to them. but that's jus me. I have to take over pride in starting my seeds to get them the way I want. unfortunetly cant happen everytime.. never heard of gnarly roots but sounds like a name that came from Humboldt county lol your plants last yr look like they did great, do u know what the strain was in the pic? sativa dominant it seems.


Well-Known Member
lol when you use photobucket, u can go to ur library and select the selected photo and olong the right side of the screen will be the image code, not website link. and it will post the pic straight to RIU but looking good mayne


Well-Known Member
:clap::clap::clap: props to ur hard looking holes. and u now kno how to manage pics. very good young grasshoppa! lol only kiddin, ladies are lookin like they're waiting for mre light!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
i wish i could do more lights. last year i had 7 on my two. this year im doing 5 with 9. but it works for now. they get about 6 hours of direct sunlight but are out from 8 to 7 then have lights for a few extra hours. the last few days they have been really going at it.


Well-Known Member
i finally finished sifting all of the compost and its quite rich. i have filled two barrels up and put a bag of worm castings. 2 more to go. should i feed molasses to the compost? im going to have 2 barells and two trash containers filled with castings and then split each bucket with two holes, mixing in other soil and native soil. but yeah any thoughts on feeding the compost/soil?


Well-Known Member
thank you. yeah they are doing good. one of the is stunted and hasnt done much since i got her. one more hole to dig and im done with my eight. i also have 3 45 gallon smart pots and a few large black pots im gonna be possibly planting in. id say the holes are 200 give or take 50 gallons.