2nd Indoor grow, cfl's


So this will be my first grow journal, My third grow in all. My plan is to start the plants from seed today(jan.22) and veg until march 20.for the summer season.

I started 15seeds in a duct tape sealed aquarium with about 250wattss of cfl


I started 5 seeds on a shelf that are under about 150 watts of cfl

soil: ace hardware planting mix (not getting fancy this time)


So yea just for expirementation im germinating some of the seeds in a paper towel, some in peat pellets, and some in a tray full of vermiculite.

Heres my aquarium

It Looks Janky but i have a feeling it will work great. i cant wait till this thing is full of young, hopefully healthy plants:leaf:

Since im new, a little background.

Last summer a friend gave me a bucket full of seedlings for my 18th birthday. I live in the suburbs but at the time i was at a family cabin in the redwoods I knew of a few secure spots but anyone who has done a geurilla grow in the redwoods knows that its hard to find a spot with constant light. so i ended up with a bunch of streched plants with very limited bud capacity. all of the plants grew one cola. to make a long story short i got 1 female out of all of them with about 1\8 oz. of bud.

:leaf:some real good Bud though!:leaf:

Ever since last summer I've been playing with CFL's and have grown 1 plant indooors that was seriosly about 7 square inches and yeilded only about 2.5 grams but the bud on that plant too, was phenominal. so i can see that cfls have a lot of potential.

My Last micro CFL grow finishing up.

Which is why i plan on trying again. but this time the plants will be well established when i move them from my home in the suburbs to my hillside in the forest. they will still stretch but im hoping for less streching and this way i will have more bud capacity at the very beginning.

Any info/Corrections/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
this is a very experimental project im going to have many plants to try different things.


most of the seeds have germinated. the paper towel method was definitely the fastest and vermiculite was the slowest.
i put germinated seeds in cups of different sizes and shapes to see what kind of results i get. I will upload some pics when they all sprout!

josh b

Well-Known Member
nice man,i am currently working with 15 seeds and going to flower them in summer but veg em for a month indoors before.

ill look foward to see how urs turn out man.


Good stuff man,
Ghetto grows are the best grows, because you can make some potent weed off any qhetto setup..

I like how your going to try different things, ill definately be checking in with your grow

I got 10 seeds going right now, ill post some stuff on those once they germinate..
check out my grow going on right now.. link below ---vvvvvv


Nothing really exciting yet but heres some pics of what im doing so far.

trying out different size and shape containers

the plants on the shelf.

this is what the inside of the lid to the aquarium looks like...

i plan on getting at least 3 more cfls.
and the inside of the growbox:

^left side

^right side.

and due to some space issues, i put the most stretched plants in the window:


Almost forgot to say! all of the seeds are mystery seeds. some are bag seeds some were givin to me by an old breeder. some of them come from a strain called xxx. ive had them all mixed up in a box for months so there is no use labeling.


By the way Just want to say thanks for some responses its some nice encouragement. muchos gracias participants!

Im still very indescisive on exactly what to do with all of them. I may grow a mother or two but im going to low stress train a few for sure. maybe try some bonzai type shit with that mini pot? I might actually flower some of them inside before i start taking trips up to the woods.

I got some new lights today but im not going to use them till necessary. except for a little strech at the very beginning they seem very happy.

I have decided that instead of fertilizers Im going to be using pre mixed soil from Roots Organics once i move them outside, or who knows mabey earlier. its not too expensive, basically just like pre mixed foxfarms but its available at grow shops near me and ive had experience with it during my last summer grow. it really has everything a plant needs for an entire life cycle and theres a kinda wide selection.


I cant believe its only day 5, they are growing so fast! Im going to start LSTing next week. ill have pics this friday hopefully


This coming week i will be getting a big bag of roots organics soil. im also going to repot/rootprune, check/balace ph and start LSTing fiercely.

I over did myself this time i think. I lost 1 or 2 babies because 20 babies is just too much to take care of. 7 of them are really streached now becaue i was focused on growing a lot for summer.:wall:

Im just going to consider that a lesson learned, and keep going with my 11(i think) decent plants that are in my aquarium.

they are doing well though, with all the new open space, i put all of the "good" plants in the aquarium, and the stretched ones on the shelf because the window wont work for them right now its been overcast for WEEKS and i dont think its clearing up anytime soon.


oh yeah and just so you guys know i have a flower box but its only one plant capacity. and a few of the "good" plants got burned yesterday when a helecopter hovewring right outside my fucking window scared me.

I mean RIGHT outside my window. if the pilot was looking for it, he could have seen my grow box.
I thought they were on to me LOL! I thought i was gettin raided so I dropped the lid abruptly went outside to smoke a ciggerette thinkin i was going to jail and shit.

turns out i wasnt going to jail someone a street down broke thier neck and my plants suffered minor burns but they will be fine i think.(you will see pics friday i hope.)


Ive Discarded a few stretched plants that werent going to make it, And Now Im Saving 9 Plants for summer and i will flower 5 of them Before Summer.
Im using my old flower box as my new 24\0 box its small but it will do

I put 3 indica's and the 2 plants im going to bonzai in my new 24\0 box. as space gets limited i will move a plant one by one to the 12\12 chamber to bud where im growing the plants for summer.

^24\0 Box

12\12 Box

^Mutant Leaf! some ducksfoot action? i like mutant plants! i hope to see more of this.

^this plant responded best to its container(red party cup) It grew a set of 7 bladed leafs right after its 2nd set of leaves!

^the bonzai plants

Ive only repotted like 4 plants so far. i figure its best to keep them in small containers for as long as i can because its going to be quite a hike with these plants in march lol. I havnt started
LSTing yet they arent ready for it mabey another few days. i Havnt gotten the soil either because im on a tight budget and i need a few more lights before i buy anything else. Ill start to Flower the first indoor plant in a couple weeks.

Please let me know if anything about this sounds flawed or if anyone has suggestions that may help.