2nd Season outdoor grow, 1st post - short stuff grow

'Ello there,
this is my first post on this forum, and any other grow forum, so welcoming with kind guestures should be in order kiss-ass. a couple of days ago i ordered the seeds, i bought them off pick n mix seeds for the sheer fact i wanted a variery amongst my grow without having to buy them in the 100s.
i have some knowledge on strains etc. but im not the einstein of cultivation as of yet...
last year,i had 4 plants on the go, all bagseeds but i gave it a shot, had to remove a few of the plants from where i was keeping them because of "curtain twitchers" in the local area... but kept one, i was getting impatient through budding and cut it about 4/5 days early i thought and didnt get the maxiumum pottential out of it. the smoke was harsh and i couldnt smoke more than half a joint without feeling rather on the queezy side. which ithink had something to do with PH balance. but im not sure cos i didnt have one at the time.

since last years crop i been looking into what seeds/strain/ company to purchase. ive always been pulled towards anything with diesel mixed in it from personal experience :blsmoke:. and it seems short stuff seem to mix a lil bit on too which made me purchase them over others. heres the seeds i ordered recently :
Snowryder - Regular
1x Russian Rocket Fuel - Regular
1x Short Stuff #1 - Regular
3x MI5 - Regular for
3x Himalaya Blue Diesel - Regular

and heres how the plan goes, if all is well i was hoping to get atleast 3/6 fems from the MI5 +HBD. then was hoping to get 1/3 RRF/ST#1/SR depending on which way around the fems are in the strains. if its all good till this far, i will cross pollinate a mail with a fem to give me more seeds for next grow (hoping to fit 2 grows between now and october).

i'm going to be updating this post as things happen, i.e when the seeds arrive. :P and i WILL be posting images once things start sprouting, hopefully till the end of the grow.

if any1 has any info on the outdoor growing of these strains, it would be much apreciated to let me know ANYTHING which will make my grow a success. such as what bedding i should use etc. etc. please and thank you's
seeds arrived today, started to germinate earlier, i've decided to only germinate 2x HBD and 2x MI5 to stop my gy grow area being too over crowded, and i wouldnt want myself to get overwhelmed with lots n lots of sick babies.
bump next time something good happens, hopefully a few flicks soon.
yesterday, went on a little shop for a few supplies, bought:verimuclite, perlite , some peat soil for 97p :O, 4 baby pots for once there out of the seed trays, and a round thermometer which stick to windows.
back to the plants - i decided to germinate them in the propagator, read a few threads from others, and it seems the ebst way. last couple of days had good whether, yesertday the seeds where in the nice sun most of the day. so far i know of 1x mi5 and 1x HBD to have popped.
PROBLEM - although yesertdays weather has been good, later on in the day it decided to start showering, so i brought them in and put em in the airing cupboard, then this morning it was still rainging, so iput em in the conservatory with a 1000w heater going in the room,PLEASE TELL ME if this would've upset them in changing there temperature often???