2nd time growing under t5. What do YOU think?


New Member
so a while back i decided i wanted to start growing a few plants just to keep my smoking to a minimum on my wallet. So i planted a few seeds in some miracle grow and bought some 54 watt t5 indoor grow light from home depot. I set it over the soil and and seeds watered. and watered them. after a week they hadnt sprouted. Keep in mind it was my first attempt lol. So i set them outside in the pot 8 seeds in 1 long pot and let them sit outside while i was at work. When i came back they where all sprouted by some miracle. I put them back inside under the light and immediately the next day begand looking around for better grow lights and shit no where was to be found. As i was driving back i noticed a hydroponics store but they where closed. (stoner hours) So i went back there the next day and bought a t5 light and some organic nutes.

Anyways they where looking real good was learning everything from the guy at the stop even though he had never bloomed under t5's, only vegg'ed. so as we got into the bud stage we got on the heavy 16 line of nutes and for my first grow yeilded about 1.5 o.z's per plant. The bud was SUPER crystalized and for my first time bearly super croping or never topping they came out nice and dank and the stuff we were buying became much better! =)

so anyways now im on my 2nd grow using fiber pots, heavy 16 line of nutes (bud A, B... Veg A,B...Prime,...And FIRE) fire being a hardner and a expensive as shit one at that IMO. we using a mix of 3 soils. 1 coca, and i cant remember the last thing haha. I used some Hydrozym on these seeds and they sprouted in 1 day (no shit) after being germed for a day and a half. I used a growlab clone tent because under t5 the goal is grow nice dense small plants. so i can maintain them to be 3 inches under the light in a 4 foot tent.

I have one t5 8 bulbs 2x4 hydrofarm light in the tent. Its like 432 watts. I used 8 bulbs of the 6400k blue spec. during veg and 3400k 8 bulbs during bloom. I know people say to mix but im going to see how this harvest turns out. being the first on all line of heavy 16 nutes. I have topped one of the plants that kept touching the lights but other then that none. Even though i know i should have. I also cut them in 2nd week of veg to have 4 main colas. And have supercropped the stems and under bud sights since 3rd week of veg.

Ive also learned that pinching and bending the plants can cause much much more denser buds and more bud spots to arise and bloom more rapidly, also alllowing the other branches to arrise so im going to be trying that this harvest.

Anyways here some pictures please tell me what you guys personally think for my second time. Thanks! BTW plsnts are 4 weeks into bloom, 3 if not counting the first week;). IMAG0031.jpgIMAG0032.jpg


New Member
thanks appreciate some feed back. This next harvest i know ill be getting 2.5+ the buds are getting extremely dense and popping up all over cant wait =). The next one after that im going to be just putting 2 plants in the tent and trying something new. Ive been told i should get at least 6 O.Z's per plant so im hoping for the best!


Well-Known Member
you want to get more ? read up on how to TOP the plants, get 4 or 6 major bud sites instead of just 1 ! . but looks very good health keep up the good hobby