2nd try same problem


Active Member
okay so this is the second grow where something has gone wrong and we need help. the first was arjans haze and silver haze grown in fox farm soil we had to lime to balance the ph, oneness and ginormous as nutrients (mind you there is NO calcium in either so i dont know how much of a factor that was). the yield of the silver haze was crap considering we have a 600 watt hps and 3 gallon buckets of soil, it was a measly 18 gr. the arjans haze didnt even produce anything smoke worthy, the bud nodes we spaced apart about a milimeter each so there were no buds:cuss: *sigh* bongsmilie. now to this grow. when watering we use RO water. we have them in 5 gallon buckets in foxfarm again (dont know if im going to use it again. maybe ill just go with some local organic soil and just fertilize it) which i limed with about a quarter cup of hydrated lime theyve just began flowering a little more than 10 days ago and this is creeping up the leaves toward the top. i have a hunch its nute burn from the friggin foxfarm but i would really like the eyes and knowledge of a veteran. and if you know how bad is not having calcium? humblodt nutrients makes a product called sea cal i guess if i need to get it i wont mind but advice would be greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
Its not the fox farm soil. You have used lime both times right? Maybe thats part of the problem. How are you measuring your PH? Botanicare's Cal Mag + is essential to any grow. Calcium and magnesium are the most missed nutrients due to it's dependence on absolute proper PH. RO water is about as pure as you can get and you definately need to bring in the micro nutes.

Its not the fox farms soil...look at the other nutrients, lime and lack of cal-mag. What about your temps?


Active Member
Lime in PH neutral and normally keeps your soil around ph7. Looks like nute burn to me. Have you tried flushing your soil?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I have to agree with Boneman! Its not the soil and you need magnesium and calcium during flowering. I have used Ocean Forest for the past 3 years with no soil issues. Not sure but it looks like a combo of nute burn and a ph issue. What nutes do you use? I start adding Technaflora MagiCal and SugarDaddy when the plants are about a foot tall. Misting with epsom salts is the easiest way to add magnesium to your plants. The recomended NPK for flowering pot is 10-30-20. If your nutes are not close to this NPK it causes deficencys and weak flowers. So does overfeeding. The recomended ph for soil is 6.2-6.8. Hydro is 5.2-5.8. Check the FAQs on the home page or go to cannaversity.com, you can find a lot of info there. Your SuperSilverHaze should be good for 1-2 ozs in soil and 3-4 in hydro but it takes 10 weeks to finish. ArjansHaze is closer to 12 weeks. Haze strains dont bulk up till the last 2 weeks. I cant afford R/O so I have to use tap for my soil and hydro grows. The key is to add chlorine remover to the water and adjust the ph. Even works with hard water. My tap is around 325ppm. Not the best! Try flushing and then use ph adjusted water only a couple times. Mist with epsom salts and then add MagiCal or CalMag to your nutes when you start to feed again and dont over feed. Good Luck!