3 1000watthps Clean Room

Hello friends. I’m starting with a 10x11x12 room I have 3 1000W HPS lights in 8 inch air-cooled hoods, with all 3 in a line so air passes right through. Next there is a 6 inch hole cut in the floor of the room, where ducting will connect to the far end of the lights and be pulled through the other end via ducting and a hole cut in the ceiling with a 8 inch fan herfing it up and out. Six (6) plants in 10 gal pots will be under 3000Watts. I have a 100 CAN fan with 8 inch fan on it, and if I’m still having problems with heat, I have an AC unit.

I started clones Aeroponicly and transplanted to dirt once rooted, they vegged under 4 CFL's in 1 gal pots. At day 42-43 I transplanted 3 into the 10 gal pots (I pruned to 4 main branches) and left the other 3 untouched (controlled, doing it with no pruning). So 3 in 10 gal pots and 3 in 1 gal pots, vegging for 10 days 24hours. (Actually vegged for 14-15 days)

Then when 12/12 comes for the big ladies I will remove the little 3 to CFL's to finnish out there vegging for another 30days.(all 3 in 1 gal had PH lockout and tanked. Starting new 3 aeroponically.

This way I will have a perpetual cycle every 30 days. Pics on usually uploaded to budbook.org, with friends,

~~10 days from going 24hour 1000watt hps vegg, I walk in to see my ladies losing their color, and getting all squiggly new growth looking like someone cast a spell and shrunk it!!! So I freak for a minute or so, get all hot a flustered--then I remembered to take a bong rip and relax and just think about it. It was my PH!!!!! Damn 8.5+
My plants were being starved, no nutrients’ were able to make in passed the high alkaline. So I flushed with 6.0-6.5 PH. The other 3 (controlled) not doing as well. So I will watch over them close, and give them what ever they need.(died 9-25-09 R.I.P)

Flower Started: 9/27/09
Transplanted aero clones to soil.

Today was the first 12 hours of darkness. The squiggilyness that I was concerned about on all 3 ladies has started to correct itself. Even after one day of flowering. I need to get an electronic PH tester. Currently I am using drops into the water being tested, but when I use my nutes the drops will not show. So I have to get an electronic ph tester. Stocks are nearing and inch thick in diameter.

Each plant has started flowering with 4 main stems. I removed the four lowest nodes on each of the outer 3 branches, and then topped all 4 branches. I’m hoping to create a jam from the top and a jam from the bottom, and focus everything on the upper-middle.

note: found some bugs, white...no killing, don't like that in my grow room, no negitive thinking!!!, will just use repellent, all natural soap, keep them at bay. close eye



Well-Known Member
are you using that filter on the air coming through the hoods..?
looks like there is equipment being not used..?
kinda inefficient..?


das alot of light.

where is the air coming from?
and if that's a window, I would be using it. Build out a box with a low hole for intake and a high hole for exhaust. You can find black foam sheets, or even use multiple computer foam filters to build it up, it's more to keep light out and to avoid anyone seeing a fan or some shit in the window. you can figure you're own way to conceal if you want. But don't take the air from an attic or basement, you want fresh air. I hate basement/crawl space air, who knows what's hiding down there. screen for bugs, hell even microbes, but DON'T FILTER.
if you're like me and it gets cold in the winter, you'll want to use the lights for heat too. so in the winter, run you're intake over the lights before it enters the room to heat the air, and in the summer run the exhaust over the lights to bring heat out.

also, you're lights aren't in a good position. I would do either a "peace-sign" or pyramid/triangle. or even just do them side by side ( III ). you're flex is a little loose, probably on purpose to move slightly. it shouldn't be, if it's meant to be straight, keep it straight, if it's meant to make a circular form, keep it that way. you can bend flex almost up to a 90 degree, it's not as good as a true to life sheetmetal 90, but it will do it.