3- 15 WAtt Led pc grow journal(dead head og clones)


Well-Known Member
i got my box pc grow case fromVVVVV

  • so its day one in the box and day 3 in those pots.
  • if any one has advice i could use it this is my first indoor grow.
  • if got some nice classical going for them.
  • when i got the dead head clones they were already in shock but had a nice root system that i saw when transplanting them.
  • iv 2 others going outdoors ill have some pictures of those soon in 1 gallon fabri gro bags.
  • all 4 clones are in fox farms ocean forest with alil coco that the clones originally came in solo cups.
  • so all the clones when i got them were abit droopy and kinda sad looking iv seen new growth from being outside the days before i put themm in the box but some leaves look kinda dried out almost...i need help on that issue otherwise the new lil sprouts coming from the top look nice so farbongsmilie:lol:.i am a medical marijauna patient.prop 215 sb420:!:


Well-Known Member
day 2 in the box and they are already looking happier.pictures above!!!
theres more growth nice and dark green like it should be.
there still is crispy ends on some of the leaves from the shock they were in when i first got them
and i maybe over watered the ones i have outside but im sure they will be fine.
close ups coming soon of the 2 girls in the box.if anyone has some 2 cents they can give me that would be awesome!

i got them all may 28th.
grow box started on june 1st.


Well-Known Member
i just got 2 more dead head clones both look very healthy.
ill put pictures up tomorrow.i switched one out with one i already had in the box.
and then put one outside so i got 6 babies going.2 inside the mr grow pro.this is my first indoor grow.
so im learning as i go.
but iv not stop researched everything i could neeed to know.
throw out some tricks and tips as i go along.:DDDDDD


Well-Known Member
the 2 clones in the box are looking healthy sprouting more daily.
the outside babys are much slower growth but they are coming along specially when i first got them they were shocked like hell.
pictures on friday!!!!!folloooow meeeeeee:arrow::weed:


Well-Known Member
Subbed up. I vegged out my last grow under 40W of DIY'd LEDs. They were autos, Lowryder genetics so they only got about a foot tall. Probably would've done better with more light, but you can definitely veg plants under low-wattage LEDs. Might take longer, but it's really cheap and easy.


Well-Known Member
yeah so far the two i got going under the leds are looking super healthy and nice a dark green.ill put some pictures up in the morning.
do you think i should add some kind of cfl in there for flower or something since i have 45 watts in total out of all 3leds.
i have them about 2inches away from the light and then 3inches away from the 3rd led panel above them.
thanks for the help.im just using clones rightnow since i dont realy know where to get seeds without me feelin sketch using the mail or something.
you think i should use some auto flower strains would be best?
i dont know how i would add an extra light in there since i know more is always better haha


Well-Known Member
and if this makes a difference its in a pc lined with panda film and reflective tape. so i got some good frelection to make up for the 45watts of led. i still want alteast one cfl floatin above them for extra how would i do that my towers 26 inchs tall


Well-Known Member
thankyou veryy much
what kind of led are using chronikool?
im trying to figure out how to add a cfl in the mix.
ill be updating constantly ,so feeel freeee to check back inbongsmilie:blsmoke::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
im very happy with the growth i just have looked around and see everyone using leds and cfls
so i was worried i wont get the results i want but as of now i like the growth rate. i actually have no clue im waiting for my check on monday to come in to get a humidity and tempature thingy hahah and a ph tester.


Well-Known Member
heres a video of the clones in the box on day 4 they are loookin nice and greeen and happpy as hell.
in like 3 or 4 days im planing on transplant them some pots that are bigger.:weed:morning bongloadsssbongsmilie
baby jane Snapshot_20130605.JPG
and susan
Snapshot_20130605_1.JPG :D


Well-Known Member
dead head og babys looking awesome!
the stalks are bending towards the light its insane how much they love these leds.
there is some slow but new growth in my outdoor garden.
im getting 3 couple week old plants that started from seed that are super big and healthy today.
pictures coming soon. :)
bongsmiliemorning loads with my babys.:peace:



Well-Known Member
low stress training.
tied down 2 more branches im using shoe laces because thats all i have.
tied down the stalk and a big branch on each plant.correct?
low stressin my Marilyn.:hump:


Well-Known Member
just lstd my 3rd month older outdoors plant from seed. wanted to wait atleast 14 hours after i transplanted to start the low stress training on her.
unfortunately theres some bugs in the soil it looks like any suggestions on how to get rid of those if any..since it is outside haha
and the soil is crappy miracle grow for the 2 in the same pot together in the pictures above this post here.
i want to force flower so i can see if they are male or female. luckily i transplanted the 3rd one into the last of my fox farms so she will enjoy that.
​pictures coming soon..
.i did some loliipopping to them also to get ride of those pointless lil guys on the bottom.
here ya goooo!


Well-Known Member
:peace:i started taring my plants in the box with just some spare wiring and pushpins on each side.:peace:
then i taped down the tips of the ones outside taht im training and manicured them a shit ton.

day 2 of lst.:mrgreen:
day 1 one of lst.
day 3 of training outsideys.
manicured them a bunch.
so light can reach in there nicely.
im going to force flower in the next week.before they get too big.:neutral: