3 days after I topped


This is the 3rd day after I topped my plant. At first I thought I did it wrong, but today I noticed the two sprouts.


Well-Known Member
i topped one of my plant's 2 weeks ago.

This is Clara a few days after topping:

And this is after almost 2 weeks: (Plant on the right)

I also didn't understood how are the two tops are going to form, but the plants know they're job..
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
just curious, but what strain are you growing? some plant like topping, some dont. good rule of thumb is two main colas, but, if its a strain like blueberry-likes at least 4 tops, i did 6, and it loved it. i top a little different tho, dunno what it might compare, but i wait until i see new shoots under the top node, then cut above the top node so it doesnt stress it as much. either works, i just think it cuts the time it takes to recover a little. if you do it at 8" or so you can make it bush! my mother plant, omg, i cant wait to flower her, she will prob be my whole crop!!!


Well-Known Member
just curious, but what strain are you growing? some plant like topping, some dont. good rule of thumb is two main colas, but, if its a strain like blueberry-likes at least 4 tops, i did 6, and it loved it. i top a little different tho, dunno what it might compare, but i wait until i see new shoots under the top node, then cut above the top node so it doesnt stress it as much. either works, i just think it cuts the time it takes to recover a little. if you do it at 8" or so you can make it bush! my mother plant, omg, i cant wait to flower her, she will prob be my whole crop!!!
All this talk of topping I have read lately makes me think I wasted my time on my 1st crop by not topping them!


Well-Known Member
All this talk of topping I have read lately makes me think I wasted my time on my 1st crop by not topping them!
depends on how much room and how tall they grew. anything over 1.5' should be topped, but if not, and its YOUR personal bud.... the main cola will reward you with some of the best bud it can produce.


Well-Known Member
depends on how much room and how tall they grew. anything over 1.5' should be topped, but if not, and its YOUR personal bud.... the main cola will reward you with some of the best bud it can produce.
so not topped gets better weed, but topped is more weed?


Well-Known Member
depends on strain, but in general, yes. some strains will grow the same quality if topped as if not. these phenos are usually indica. sativa, not so much, but understand sativas are usually grown outdoors where they get anywhere from 4' to dunno current record but most, 10+'. therefore with the spectrum of the sun and there height, get lbs. a plant. indoor most strains are indica dominant for height, which means you prob should top them.


Well-Known Member
depends on strain, but in general, yes. some strains will grow the same quality if topped as if not. these phenos are usually indica. sativa, not so much, but understand sativas are usually grown outdoors where they get anywhere from 4' to dunno current record but most, 10+'. therefore with the spectrum of the sun and there height, get lbs. a plant. indoor most strains are indica dominant for height, which means you prob should top them.
sounds good to me.


just curious, but what strain are you growing? some plant like topping, some dont. good rule of thumb is two main colas, but, if its a strain like blueberry-likes at least 4 tops, i did 6, and it loved it. i top a little different tho, dunno what it might compare, but i wait until i see new shoots under the top node, then cut above the top node so it doesnt stress it as much. either works, i just think it cuts the time it takes to recover a little. if you do it at 8" or so you can make it bush! my mother plant, omg, i cant wait to flower her, she will prob be my whole crop!!!
I just posted a thread named; indica or sativa? Like I said I'm new to this so I really don't know what I have. If you don't mind taking a look at the thread and see if you can tell. Click my profile and find it please! I would really like to know.


just curious, but what strain are you growing? some plant like topping, some dont. good rule of thumb is two main colas, but, if its a strain like blueberry-likes at least 4 tops, i did 6, and it loved it. i top a little different tho, dunno what it might compare, but i wait until i see new shoots under the top node, then cut above the top node so it doesnt stress it as much. either works, i just think it cuts the time it takes to recover a little. if you do it at 8" or so you can make it bush! my mother plant, omg, i cant wait to flower her, she will prob be my whole crop!!!
From what I've gathered they are mostly indica.


Well-Known Member
he said indica. and i looked at they replies on the other thread. dont need them though, def indica dominant, but not fully. my widows look like that and there 60/40. so yea, they like to be topped, heal faster, and seem to like cold.